Chapter Eighteen

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A few days passed without any major event. They girls hadn't attempted such passionate kissing during this time, and Ruby was thankful for that. To be honest, it scared her to know that she could feel these things, that she was so ready to just go for it, and she felt as if she was being too forceful. She didn't mean for it to get so deep, but it happened, and all Ruby could do was hope that she wasn't too rough.
In her opinion, Sapphire was as delicate as a snowflake. Anything too rough might hurt her little snowflake, and Ruby tried her best to avoid that. Her opinion on the matter would completely change today.
She called to see if Sapphire wanted to hang out after class, but it went to voicemail instead. She just shrugged it off.
As she drove home, she passed by a local shooting range that had been there since she was a kid, and she saw Sapphire's car. The license plates matched. She carefully drove into the parking lot and got out of her car, stepping inside, only to see Sapphire in the Archery section, shooting arrows into a target that was at least 20 yards away. All five of her arrows hit the dead center of a 1ft x 1ft paper target. Ruby's jaw dropped. There was a whistle, indicating that they were able to collect their arrows. Sapphire looked somewhat upset when she walked back, but then she saw Ruby and her face lit up.
"Ruby! What are you doing her? Are you shooting?" Sapphire spoke in her monotonous voice, but, to the trained ear (such as Ruby's), you could tell she was happy.
"Oh, no I don't shoot. I suck at it. I just came in because I saw your car and, well, I'm surprised to say the least. I didn't know you were a perfect shot."
Sapphire giggled.
"Oh I'm not a perfect shot, I missed the center by at least a millimeter." Her tone seemed a bit saddened.
"I can't even hit a target, Sapphire. You hit that tiny little paper, and you want to complain about how you missed it?"
Ruby frowned, looking as Sapphire sternly, but all the shorter girl did was sway a little bit, the flirtations body language being enough to get Ruby to blush.
"You know" Sapphire began," you should shoot with me today. It's fun~"
Unable to resist the adorable flare of her voice, Ruby did just that. She paid for a lane and a rental bow and arrow. An hour and seventeen missed targets later, Ruby gave up.
"How can you even do this?! Every time I shoot I end up almost killing someone, and you make it look so easy!"
Sapphire chuckled.
"It's all in the way you focus."
"Then I guess I'm awful at focusing then."
"That's not true."
Ruby scoffed and shook her head. Sapphire took a drink from her water bottle.
"I'm just going to stick to football."
Sapphire choked.
"You play football?" She wasn't exactly surprised by this, but more impressed. The football team was hard to get on, and Ruby wasn't exactly the biggest person to play. After all, the girl was 5 ft. 4 in.
"Yeah, you should come to one of my games, Sapph."
Sapphire almost immediately answered.
"When is the next game?"
"Next Tuesday."
"I'll be there." Sapphire grabbed her equipment and cleaned up her station. "Now come on, let's get going before they kick us out. We were supposed to leave half an hour ago."
Ruby chuckled, and with that, they left to Sapphire's apartment.

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