Chapter Fifty-Nine

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I see you getting closer. You're so damn perfect. I can't help but think you're the greatest thing in the world.

But you don't see that.

You've been getting better, extremely better, but I see the way you look at yourself in the mirror. You stare at every flaw, but you try to act as if you don't notice at all.

And it's only around me.

I know when I'm not there you probably pick out every detail. Why can't you see that you look stunning either way? Why do you think your eyes are anything less than gorgeous?

I love you, and I don't want you to feel this way.

I want you to be happy with who you are, without any fancy outfits or expensive-yet-very-tiny jewelry.

I want you to love yourself.

I want to see you eat without those slight hesitations before every bite. I wish I could let you know somehow that you don't need to be any skinnier or taller because you're incredible just like this.

I adore you, and I want to be there for you for the rest of my small existence on this planet.

I....I want you to be my wife...
Ruby's thoughts floated through her mind as she drifted to sleep, pulling Sapphire closer into her warm chest. She looked down at the shorter girl and kissed her forehead. Sapphire wasn't asleep, but she didn't want to open her eyes. Something told her that right now wasn't the time. Ruby whispered softly as she put her chin on the top of Sapphire's head, not intending for her to hear or answer. It was mostly just Ruby muttering to herself.
"'Will you marry me-'no, that's boring and cliche. 'Will you be my wife?' Nah, that's also plain. 'Would you like to-'Ruby what the hell, it sounds like you're asking her if she wants the food for here or to-go."
She sighed.
"It's not like she'd say 'Yes' anyways."
The shorter girl jumped a bit, wanting to say something but choosing to be quiet.
Sapphire was silent, eyes slightly open but closing on their own. The last thing she heard was a soft 'Will you...' before she drifted to sleep.
Ruby knew she was awake the second she felt her body jump a bit, and she was glad her Sapphy could hear all of it, or at least most of it. She wanted her to know that she planned on proposing to her in the future.

She, too, fell asleep afterwards, knowing that Sapphire heard every single word.

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