Chapter One

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Sapphire isn't the kind of girl you'd see at a mall or on dates with guys. She wasn't a typical college kid like all of her "friends" were (if you could even call them that). No, Sapphire Blue was a bland and boring girl, at least that's how she would put it. She was once quoted on saying that if she were a seasoning, she would be flour.
It wasn't hard to tell that she didn't like herself. She always found something to fix or a flaw she wished wasn't there. She's been bullied all her life, and she truly believes that what they said was true. Sapphire really believes she's useless, unwanted, unloved, and disgusting. Maybe that's the reason she stopped talking to people completely, or maybe it's the reason she gave up on trying to be okay. Either way, it's a sad thing to think about. She hated herself, and no one could ever convince her that she was any good, that she was beautiful.
Sapphire Blue was the name she was given at birth, symbolizing her mother's favorite gemstone. Oh how Sapphire hated her name. She found it as an insult, seeing that her mother left after giving birth to her. It reminded her that she would never really be wanted by anyone, no matter how precious she should have been to them.
Over the years, she gave up on her goals and dreams, following her sisters' footsteps and trying to be like them. Sapphire was a very short girl, and she was somewhat plump. She had decided on her seventeenth birthday that she wanted to be like her tall and slender sisters. Sapphire stopped eating. She wouldn't eat for days at a time, and when she did eat she would purge it the minute she finished her plate. She did lose weight, but at the cost of fainting and trips to the hospital. Although she hated it, she wanted to be loved by her family, but she wasn't. Her family saw her as the mistake that finally made their mother leave. She just wanted to be accepted into the family, but she never was.
She'd be lying if she said she only did it for family. At the time, Sapphire was in love with a girl who didn't love her back because of physical reasons, so to make up for it she figured she would be killing two birds with one stone by losing weight. But she wasn't. The girl she had fallen for didn't dislike her for her body shape, but her eye. Her single, icy blue eye that didn't match the glossed-over glass eye on the left socket. No one liked it, and they always thought it was distracting. Sapphire was so self conscious about it that she hid it behind her bangs. She was scared of what the world would think of her if she didn't hide her imperfections.
She dressed in her finest clothes at all times, trying to be as much as the girls in the magazines as possible, she tried hiding every flaw she found, and at the end of the day she would hurt herself for not being good enough. She would slit her skin, burn herself, or just mutter insults to her reflection when no one was home. She absolutely hated herself.
Sapphire was a sad girl living a lonely life, and it didn't seem as if anything would ever get better, but then she met a stranger that would change her mindset and her life forever.

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