Chapter Twenty-Six

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Ruby stood silently, watching the atmosphere go from calm to erratic after Sapphire uncovered her eyes for her family to see. She was surprised at how furious they all were by just seeing her eyes.
"You're disgusting." A sister yelled
"Just horrible!" The other said.
"Sapphire, cover those hideous things. You're disgracing the family." Her mother said.
Sapphire's father stood silent, eyes widened and engulfed with rage.
Sapphire covered her eyes again, looking at the floor and walking forward.
"Okay, you called me over to come for my money, so just give it to me." Sapphire snapped at them. "I'm not here to socialize. I will show respect, as I always have, but I refuse to be a part of whatever this is, because this is not a family."
Sapphire's mother looked at her in astonishment, then she opened her mouth.
"Well, it seems that you've become extremely disrespectful since you left for college. I don't think we should-"
Sapphire interrupted her.
"You say it as if you even knew me before I went to college."
Ruby was taken aback by how Sapphire was responding to the situation. She seemed as if she was afraid, yet she was also the bravest person in the world. The taller girl had to admit that she liked the way her girlfriend's voice sounded when she took charge.
Sapphire's mother walked to the shorter girl, whispered something in her ear, and walked back to the place she stood in.
Sapphire stood there, quiet, as if she was a statue. Then she raised her head up a bit and uttered something in a language Ruby didn't know.
Sapphire's mother gasped, then sighed and threw an envelope of money on the floor for Sapphire to pick up. She, too, uttered something in a foreign language, but even then Ruby could tell she said some sort of curse word.
One of Sapphire's sisters walked to Sapphire, lacking self-confidence in her expression.
"You know," the sister began, "you don't have to be such a nuisance. You could at least try to seem like you're interested in us."
Sapphire spoke.
"I don't have to try anything, Lapis, because I'm not like you. I'm not some little dog who obeys whatever command our parents give us. Maybe you'll learn that some day. I can tell you hate this family just as much as I do, maybe even more, but don't you ever dare tell me to try to like whatever the hell you call this."
And, with that, Lapis walked away, seemingly uninterested. Then the other sister walked down and spoke to her.
"Sapphire, I know you don't like it here, but...would you mind moving back in? Before you say anything, hear me out. It's been rough here, and you always did know how to make things easier for, well, me, but just consider it. Please, I beg of you."
Sapphire sighed softly, almost in a sad way. She began to speak, but her mother interrupted her.
"Who is this girl you've brought with you?"
She glared at Ruby, Ruby sweating a little and startled by the sudden look of hatred she got.
"I-I'm Ruby, ma'am. I'm Sapphire's f-friend."
She was shaking a little, worried that she would somehow mess this up.
"Oh. Well hello, Ruby. It's nice to see Sapphire's somehow made a friend." She looked at Sapphire." I've heard a lot about how you weren't that popular with others." She looked back at Ruby. "So where do you come from, Rudy?"
"It's Ruby."
"Yes, of course."
Ruby gulped.
"Well, I come from Beach City, and I live a pretty good life."
"Ah. And are you also in this, um, social class?"
She looked up and down at Ruby, as if she were checking to see if she could guess how she was raised. Ruby felt confused, and overall embarrassed.
"I'd have to say no to that, ma'am. I-I've never lived in a place like this.."
Ruby stayed silent for the rest of the time, hurt by the way Sapphire's mother had practically called her a peasant; beneath her and Sapphire's status. But no, Ruby thought, Sapphire is nothing like these people. She's good. Sapphire doesn't care about status...Does she?
Sapphire's mother said one last thing to Ruby before turning her attention to Sapphire once more.
"Oh, and Ruby, you don't have to call me ma'am. You can call me Diamond."
Ruby nodded.

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