Chapter Fifty-Six

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As they drove to a small carnival they saw on the boardwalk, Ruby stared at Sapphire, looking as if she wanted to ask something.
Sapphire interrupted her thoughts.
"Ruby, is there something you'd like to say?"
Ruby swore that she sounded just like one of her middle school teachers when she said that.
"Hon, what exactly are you? Ethnicity-wise? It doesn't really matter to me, it won't change a thing, but I'm just curious."
Sapphire was silent.
"I don't really know. I was never told. The Blue family doesn't cherish culture that much, and it sucks."
"Then where'd you learn French?"
"Oh, I was taught how to speak fluently as a child. I also know Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Italian, and ASL."
Ruby looked at her, stunned. She didn't expect her to know that many languages.
"Wait, what's ASL?" Ruby asked, her eyes full of curiosity.
"It stands for 'American Sign Language'."
Ruby's expression was absolutely perfect. Her eyes lit up in the cutest way, and Sapphire couldn't help but blush. Meanwhile Ruby was too busy gawking in awe at her talented girlfriend-no, her fiancé. Sapphire spoke.
"What's your ethnicity?"
"Oh, my family is just from America. My mom came from a bad part of Empire City and my dad was born in Beach City. We still live in the same house he grew up in as a kid."
Sapphire smiled, loving how sweet that sounded; growing up in the same house your parents grew up in. In her own life, they were lucky if they stayed at the same house for a few months. The Blues were always moving, back and forth from Empire City to Beach City, and they never went back to the same place. They always changed locations, and Sapphire hated it. It made her feel as if she didn't have a home, and she certainly didn't feel like she was living with a true family.
They were quiet for a little, and then Sapphire broke the silence.
"Do you think the name 'Sapphire Smith' sounds nice?"
Ruby choked a bit, not expecting to talk about something like that, especially since they would only talk about it if they actually were to get married some day. Not that marriage would be a bad thing. Ruby actually loved the idea of seeing Sapphire in a wedding dress while walking down the aisle towards her, have one or more children, and growing old together. If anything, Ruby prayed that one day her dreams would become reality, and Sapphire would be her wife.
"I think it sounds gorgeous. Mrs. Sapphire and Ruby Smith. It suits us."
Sapphire grinned, pulling the car into a parking lot. She kissed Ruby's cheek and nuzzled it.

"We're here~"

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