Chapter 23

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B A C K - I N - T I M E

Elsa and Jack laughed as Rapunzel walked out of the tent--clearly embarrassed. Elsa felt really tired all of a sudden, and yawned.

"Are you sleepy?" Jack asked, and she softly nodded her head. He laid down and patted his chest.

"C'mon, go to sleep." He said, and she weakly smiled. She laid down on his chest and closed her eyes. He kissed her forehead and watched her as she drifted off into slumber. He sprinkled some dream sand in his eyes and fell asleep soon after.


"Aw, look at the pretty little couple. The Snow Queen and Winter Spirit, eh?" Pitch said as he made a hologram of Elsa and Jack. He watched Elsa as she gave even breaths in her sleep. He smirked and swirled nightmare sand around in his fingers.

"What are you thinking, Pitch?" Mother Gothel said, wincing as she saw her grey hairs. He laughed and formed a nightmare.

"Jack wouldn't join me, but I know somebody that will..." He said, and Mother Gothel raised an eyebrow. She walked around Pitch in a circle and put her hands behind her back.

"Who exactly is it that?" She asked, and he pointed to Rapunzel. Mother Gothel shook her head and put a hand on her chest.

"If something happens to Rapunzel's hair, something will happen to me!" She exclaimed, and Pitch raised an eyebrow and pointed to her grey hairs.

"Something's happening now, to your youth." He said, and she covered her face.

"Oh shut up!" She exclaimed, slapping his hand away as he reached to touch her wrinkles. He swirled nightmare sand in his hand and looked at Mother Gothel.

"You can be young forever, if you just let me put nightmare sand into your system." He said, and she smirked--holding her arms out.

"Go ahead." She said. He released nightmare sand out of his hands, and it swirled around Mother Gothel's body. She evilly laughed as the nightmare sand consumed her into darkness.

"Now you have nightmare powers, just like me." He said, and she smirked. She pointed to Elsa and raised an eyebrow.

"So, how are we going to get her to join?" She asked, and Hans stepped out of the shadows.

"I can help with that." Hans said, walking to the two. They crossed their arms, and Pitch gestured to Elsa.

"What do you know about Elsa?" He asked, and Hans laughed.

"Well, she's stubborn for sure...but she's worried about hurting her loved ones." He said, and Pitch raised an eyebrow.

"And how are we supposed to do that?" He asked, and Hans chuckled. He put a hand on his chest and smiled.

"Leave that to me." Hans said, and Pitch consumed him in nightmare sand--also giving him the power of darkness. Hans smirked and snapped his fingers--going to the tent of Jack and Elsa.

He crouched down next to them, and tilted his head to the side as he saw Jack's arms around her waist.

"So, the Queen has finally let somebody in her heart." He said, and moved Jack's arms away. He tensed as Jack moved in his sleep, but relaxed once he realized he wasn't going to wake up.

He rubbed his hands together and put a hand to Elsa's hip. He shut his eyes tight, trying to concentrate. He went inside of Elsa and controlled her dream.

He watched as the dream Elsa looked confused.

"Hello?!" She yelled with fear. Hans decided to mess with her and evilly laughed. She quickly turned around and put her hands up in defense.

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