All the Time in the World

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Matt waved goodbye to the young girl who had stopped him on the street for a fan photo. She grinned and held her phone close to her face as she ran giggling to show her friends. Matt was tired. She had been talking to him for over twenty minutes as if he had all the time in the world. He enjoyed meeting fans and most of them were truly funny and cool and great to talk to. But he had been in talks with network executives for four hours already and he was hoping to find a place to sit and rest before the next round of meetings began again.

"Excuse me?" Came a quiet voice from directly behind him. "Are you Matt Brown?"

Matt took a deep breath and willed a genuine smile back onto his face. He turned slowly around, preparing to see who he would be taking a photo with next.

Looking into your face, Matt wasn't sure what to say. His eyes locked onto yours and the breath left him and for a second you thought he was angry and you almost turned and ran. To an onlooker, the two of you standing face to face might have looked like two friends meeting on the street. Both of you were smiling and looking intently at the other. But on closer inspection, your smile was beginning to fade as Matt's was beginning to get wider. He still hadn't said a word and you were starting to get nervous.

You had seen him on the show. You knew Matt was a bit...different. But he was different in a way that always made you smile and made you nod your head in understanding of how he thought about life and things in general. Standing on the busy street corner in New York though, Matt simply stood and stared and you began to wonder if something was very, very wrong with him. He was dressed differently than you had expected. No rumpled jeans or brown jacket. He was dressed in a stylish black blazer with a black shirt and black slacks. Very sophisticated and very stylish.

Wait. Maybe that wasn't Matt Brown after all. Your eyes slanted to one side, looking for something about his face that would give you a definite answer. You scanned the soft graying curls atop his head. Yep. That looked like Matt. You looked once more into his bright blue eyes and they certainly looked like Matt's eyes. As you glanced down to matt's mouth, you saw his soft lips part and you were sure then that you would recognize Matt's teeth.

"HAHA!" The loud laugh screamed out of him and you knew for certain you were face to face with the real Matt Brown. "Can I take a photo with you?" Matt surprised you by asking.
"Of course." You blinked and smiled and moved to stand beside him for the selfie.

"So...." Matt muttered and with his lips moving you hoped the photo would come out alright. "Are you from New York?" he asked and you saw his big smile on your camera screen.
"Yes." You smiled back.

"Where's a good place for coffee?"
"There's a great place nearby. I can take you there if you have a little time." You ventured and held your breath and tried to take in what was happening. 
"Wonderful!" He said loudly and happily as he waited for you to lead the way.

While Matt chatted animatedly beside you, you snuck a glance at the photo you had taken of the two of you. Matt looked amazing! You, however, had a look of stunned happiness on your face that was going to be impossible to get rid of even with Photoshop.

"Um...Matt?" You interrupted his dialogue to ask a quick question. "The photo didn't turn out so good. Can we take another one?"

When matt turned to look at you, your heart pounded and your breath caught in your throat as Matt said,

"Sure. We can take as many pictures as you want. I've got all the time in the world."

Matt Brown: Collection of Short Alaskan Bush People Fan FicsWhere stories live. Discover now