Pretty Girl

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One of the things you love about living in a small town in Alaska is shopping at the grocery store. All the wild fish and seafood is so fresh! You put your finger to your lips as you try to decide what to buy. You brush your curls off your forehead and think you may have finally decided what you want.

"Hey, pretty girl!" The loud booming voice makes you jump a little as you turn to see who is yelling at you. Two men stand near the door. You were so deep in thought you didn't even hear them come in. Both men have long scruffy beards and unkempt hair. Your nose wrinkles at the sight of them and as they come closer to you, big grins on their faces, your nose wrinkles even more at their smell.

"Ooh, that is some beautiful red hair you've got there." The taller of the two boldly reaches out to touch your hair.

"Yeah. Thanks." You mutter, pushing his hand away from your head and looking around the store for your boyfriend.

The friend, smaller by a head but just as rough-looking, leans close to you. His breath is an assault.

"Awww." He croons. "Look at those cute freckles! I'd like to know what they taste like."

You back away from the two men, getting angrier by the minute. You hold your chin up and prepare for a fight. Just as you think you may have to physically take them on, your boyfriend Matt steps in front of you, between you and the two men.

"Hello, boys." Matt gives them an icy smile. His blue eyes are hard as a rock. "Can I help you with something?" Matt stares at one man, then the other.

"You really want to take us on?" The taller man asks with a laugh.

"Yes, I'll take you on." Matt's voice is cold. Colder than you have ever heard. He is always laughing, always joking. This is a side of him you have never seen before. Matt reaches behind him and gives you a little push to move you out of the way. "And if by some miracle you take me down," He leans forward and speaks directly into the face of the taller man. "My four brothers are right behind you and they will make sure you both will have to be carried out of here." Matt locks eyes on the taller man. The shorter one turns slowly to see the rest of the Brown brothers standing shoulder to shoulder, fists curled.

The two men make the wise decision to back down. "Oh, we were just kidding around. Don't get all mad about it." The shorter man pulls on the sleeve of the other. "Let's get out of here."

As the two men walk around the group of brothers, their eyes following their every move, Matt turns to you and pulls you to him. He kisses your cheeks and reaches up and strokes your soft curly hair.

"So sorry I let that happen." Matt apologizes.

"It's OK. You got here just in time." You return his hug. "I've never see you act like this, Matt. I'm a little surprised. You're always so fun-loving and silly. I've never seen you this serious."

Matt leans his forehead on yours. "I know I can be a goof most of the time. But you are the most important person to me. I love you and I always want to be there for you. If I thought anything or anyone would take you from me." His lips gently press yours. "I don't know what I would do."

He wraps his arms around you. This moment? Amazing.

"OK!" Matt suddenly screams. "Let's head to the dump! They just got a new load of tires and we need to expand our house!!" The crazy Matt you fell in love with is back. He grabs your hand and starts running toward the door.

Matt Brown: Collection of Short Alaskan Bush People Fan FicsWhere stories live. Discover now