Everything I Am

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"Matt! Stop!" You yelled, starting to get a little upset. Matt was running on top of a stack of rubber tires, daring you to chase after him. "You're going to fall and break your leg!"
The tires were stacked three-high and Matt was trying his best to get you to join him on top of the wobbly stack.
"I'm not going up there!" You folded your arms across your chest and turned your back. You just couldn't watch anymore.

Some of the crazy things Matt did really frightened you. You tried your best not to show it but you were afraid sometime he would get seriously hurt. You had both expressed your love for each other many times and in many ways. Love was never the issue. It was just that sometimes, his recklessness scared you.

He took silly chances with his life that left you wondering if he truly was the right man for you. If he didn't take his own life seriously, how could you trust him to take care of yours?
Seeing that you were ignoring him, Matt worked his way across the top of the tires and hopped down to stand beside you.

"Don't be mad." You felt his hands gently come to rest on your shoulders. You closed your eyes tightly as he ran his hands down your arms, agonizingly slow, starting a burning inside you. Matt finished setting you on fire by slipping his hands low around your waist...

"Matt, don't." You turned your head away from him, irritated now.
"What's going on? You've been acting strange all morning long. And I know what strange looks like." He joked, trying to get you to laugh.
Your mind scrambled to find the right words to express what you were feeling.
"I'm so happy with you, Matt. You know that." You began. "But sometimes I think that you don't take life seriously enough. And if we stay together and start a family, I don't want to spend my life being the one who always takes care of everything because you're off somewhere staring at the clouds."

The angry-sounding words had fallen out of your mouth before you even realized you were going to say them. You hadn't meant to blurt everything out like that. That was unfair. But now that the words had been spoken you stood still, listening to the wind in the trees and waiting for Matt to respond.

Matt dropped his hands to his sides and looked away. You clearly saw the hurt in his eyes and your heart clenched to see him in pain, but still you waited. With his eyes focused on a point in the distance, Matt reached out for your hand. You eagerly took it and leaned your body against his, bringing your heads close together.

"This is who I am." Matt spoke softly. "I never tried to hide who I was or pretend I was someone different when I was with you. So when you fell in love with me, it was the real, crazy me. Warts and all. Well, I don't really have any warts..." He laughed. "So what has changed? He finally met your eyes.
"I've just been thinking about our future."

"So have I." Matt admitted. "And I do joke around a lot, but when it comes to you and the family we will have, I will take responsibility not because I have to, but because I want to. My parents, my brothers and my sisters can take care of themselves so much that I don't have to take all the responsibility. So, yeah. Sometimes I goof off because I can. But for you and for our family? I will always be there for you because it's what I want to do. You won't have to make me be a strong husband. It's what I'll choose to do."

Matt finally stopped talking, a little out of breath. You hadn't expected to hear him say what he did. You didn't know that he was waiting for the right person, waiting for you so that he could step up and be the man he wanted to be for you. It was so much to take in and it was also everything you had wanted to hear. But you wanted one more thing from him.

"So, Matt. Was that a marriage proposal?"
Matt pulled you to him and kissed you so deeply it momentarily took your breath away. Pulling back from the kiss, Matt was already shaking his head, no.
"No, that was not a marriage proposal." He smiled at your confused look as he grabbed both your hands in his. Dropping to one knee, Matt kissed your fingers.
"This is a marriage proposal." He cleared his throat and grinned. "I am in love with everything you are. And I convinced that you are in love with everything I am. Will you marry me?"

You were in love with every crazy thing about him and you knew that your life would never be normal if you said yes. Looking down at his beautiful face and his bright blue eyes, you made your decision.

"YES! I'll marry you!" You screamed at the top of your lungs and hurled yourself at him, knocking him to the ground and rolling on top of him. You showered his face with kisses as he laughed hysterically, trying to capture your fast-moving mouth for a kiss. You finally relented and let him pull you into a long kiss.

No, your life would never be normal, but who needed normal when you could have a life with Matt Brown?

Matt Brown: Collection of Short Alaskan Bush People Fan FicsWhere stories live. Discover now