Without a Doubt

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From the far end of the street, Matt's face lit up the second he saw you. Your heart did a little double-beat like it always did when he looked at you.

Your relationship was so new that you sometimes still looked at him and wondered what he saw in you. It wasn't that you weren't smart or pretty, because you knew you were. And he said often enough that he enjoyed every minute you were together. And some days the negative thoughts and doubts stayed far away, but some days they crept back in like a sneaky thief. And it didn't help that Matt was so stinking beautiful that every time you were out together every woman on the street stopped and stared. But despite all your doubts, here he was again smiling like a crazy person and racing toward you.

Throwing your arms around his neck, you giggled as Matt joyfully lifted you and swung you around. Your giggles stopped though, when his mouth came down on yours and the sweetness of his lips created a flurry of butterflies in your stomach.
"Oh, honey I am so glad to see you!" Matt's grin made you grin right back at him.
"I'm glad to see you, too." You thought your heart might break you cared so much for him.
You were afraid to use the word love just yet because you didn't know where that would take your heart. You weren't ready for that risk yet.

Pulling you by the hand, Matt began walking briskly down the busy street with you, heading for your favorite restaurant. Just inside the door, Matt quickly pushed you into a side hallway and cupped your face with his hands. Before you could even blink, his lips were pressing on yours and the heat from the kiss made your head start to swim.

"Matt, Hold up." You pulled away from the kiss not because you wanted to, but because you saw people staring at the two of you as they walked in the door.
"Sorry. I couldn't help myself. You look so pretty tonight." Matt's bright blue eyes moved from left to right, reviewing your face.
"Stop it. I look just the same as I always do. Don't tease me."
You hadn't meant to say it like that and as the words came out of your mouth you realized how defensive it sounded. You started to make a joke to make light of what you had said and to change the subject, but you stopped short when Matt's grin disappeared and he started to frown.
"Why would you say I was teasing you when I tell you how pretty you look?" His face was still so close to yours and he didn't back up at all.

His direct gaze was making you uncomfortable and you wished you hadn't said anything. But you had said what was on your heart. And maybe this wasn't the best time or place to do this, but the words were already out of your mouth so you figured you may as well get it over with.

"Matt. It's...Its just that..." Oh, this was so crazy, you thought. Why had you said anything at all? You tried to peer around Matt's shoulders to see how many people were walking in the door and watching you. Lowering your voice, you blurted the words out in a whisper.

"Sometimes, I just wonder why you want to be with me." There. It was out and even though it sounded like the lamest thing you had ever said, it was how you felt in that moment.
"Oh, come on." Matt stroked your hair and gave you a quick kiss. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as you looked away from him, embarrassed now.
"I like everything about you." He leaned forward and slid his finger over your trapped bottom lip.
"I like how you bite your lip when you're nervous." He smiled as he grabbed your hand and led you further into the café toward a table. "And I like how you always squeeze my hand when you hold it. It's like you never want to let go."

As you reached the table, you slid onto the bench seat of the booth and patted the seat beside you. Matt slid eagerly into the seat. "And I like how you always want me to sit beside you instead of across from you so we can be closer together."

You dipped your head, not sure what to say about his words. It amazed you that he noticed things like that and that they mattered to him at all. Right at that moment, the server came close to the table and you lifted your head in a smile and gave her a quick wave. You and Matt were regulars there now and she was the one who always waited on you. After giving her your order, Matt turned back to you.

"And I love how sweet and kind you are to everyone. That comes so naturally to you. It's just who you are." Matt pressed a kiss to your cheek and when he pulled away you smiled and looked into his eyes. You really did love him.
"And." Matt continued. "I love how you smile at me when I kiss you. It's like my kiss was the one thing in the world you wanted and you can die happy now that you've got it." He laughed loudly.

You didn't know what to say in response to everything you were hearing from Matt. It was all so overwhelming and you were keenly aware that at a certain point he had stopped talking about what he liked about you and began to tell you what he loved about you. Leaning your head against his shoulder, you slid your hand onto his thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. You wanted to stay as close to him as you could while you were taking in everything he had said and trying to form the words you wanted to say to him.

"And honey?" Matt tipped your chin up to look at him. "I love how whenever we're together, everything you do and say tells me you love me. Even though you've never said the words."

Your eyes brimmed with tears as you accepted that he knew you loved him. And your heart ached to know how he felt about you.

"So before you start thinking anything else." Matt continued quickly. "I want to say the words. I love you. I love everything about you."

"I love you too, Matt. Without a doubt.

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