Trust. Part 5 (final)

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Waking early the next morning, you reached up and touched your lips with your fingers. The night had been full of tossing and turning and dreams of Matt's lips pressed to yours. For one panicked second, you thought you might have dreamed everything; Matt's lips on your lips, his hands on your body. But then you glanced over at your bedroom window and saw the paper stuck to the outside of the glass with a small piece of silver duct tape. Hopping quickly from the bed, you moved close to the window to read the note.

"Hold Fast." Was written in large letters in the middle of the page. 

Below the words was a stick figure drawing of a man and a woman holding hands. The man was drawn with wild curly hair and the woman was wearing a short tank top and nothing else. Your mouth dropped open and you quickly shoved up the window and snatched the paper off the glass. Looking left and right, you hoped none of the neighbors had seen that.

On a whim, you ran to your bathroom and pulled out your bright red lipstick. Smearing the lipstick heavily on your lips, you then pressed the color onto the bottom of the paper. The bright red lips smiled back up at you from the page. Heading back into the bedroom, you stuck the paper with the drawing onto the wall next to your headboard.

You knew it might take Matt some time to get comfortable with his feelings for you, and you were still nervous about completely trusting him. But you realized you were willing to wait and you were willing to give him another chance. You were willing to 'hold fast' for as long as you needed to.

Groaning at the thought of another busy day of preparing tax forms and staring at a laptop screen, you quickly washed up and pulled on fresh clothes. Your mind fell back to Matt and your core quivered just thinking about his touch.

"Get hold of yourself." You spoke out loud as you finished getting dressed. "As unpredictable as Matt is, who knows when I'll get that itch scratched?" You grinned to yourself.

Grabbing your messenger bag and your keys, you gingerly opened the front door. You fully expected to see Matt once again sprawled on the front steps. But the bright morning sun shone in your eyes and clearly illuminated your disappointment. He wasn't there. Stifling a sigh, you fit the key into the lock and gave it a hard twist.

"Be careful with that. You might break it." Matt's voice came from behind you.

You turned around, ready to throw yourself into his arms, but instead you cautiously looked up into his eyes.

"I'll be careful." You spoke the words deliberately and kept your eyes on his. Your breath became rapid as you took in his smile and the small box in his hand. "What's that?"

Matt didn't answer, but held the box out for you to take. His eyes were light with anticipation and you dropped your eyes to the small box and begin to pull off the top. You weren't sure what you had been expecting, but a small oddly shaped, pink rock was definitely not at the top of your list.

"Thank you?" You said with a questioning look at Matt.

"What?" His expression turned quizzical as he peered into the box. "Oops." He laughed and flipped the rock over and also turned the box around in your hands.

When you realized you were looking at a pinkish colored, heart-shaped rock with the word, "trust" carved into it, your mind flipped completely as you realized you were deeply in love with Matt.  It might take a little while to forget the past, but you were ready to do that and you knew he was, too.

"As long as you have that rock," He said. "You know you can trust me. You can throw it away if you want to, and you can even choose to give it back, but I'll never take it from you. Never again."

The depth of Matt's words settled into your heart as softly as a feather. He was a man full of life and joy and a complexity that intrigued every part of you.

Placing the lid back on the box, you turned and unlocked your front door. Glancing back at Matt, you said one word.

For a moment, Matt didn't say anything and you watched his face as he waited on the porch.
"If it's what you want, Matt, it's what I want, too." You reassured him with a confidence you hadn't felt before.

He opened his mouth and his wide smile almost took your breath away. "It's what I want."

Your messenger bag, keys and the small box all landed on the table beside the front door. Pulling Matt by the lapel of his coat, you slammed the door behind you and half-led, half-dragged him to the bedroom. You felt an odd jerking on your hand as you clutched his coat and turning back to face him, your laugh was loud and long. Matt was trying to pull of his boots and his jacket at the same time. He laughed his crazy laugh as you let him go so he could finish kicking off his boots. Stripping his coat away, you tossed it on the floor and grabbed him by the hand and tugged.

Falling together on your bed, your kisses were hot and hungry. Matt yanked your sweater over your head and slid his hands down to unzip your jeans.  His fingers slipped down to your warmth and you gasped at the sudden sensation. Your mouth bit down on his shoulder; you wanted to taste him but his shirt was in the way. Grasping the back of his shirt you began to pull it over his head. He swung his body away from yours for a second to fling it out of the way and your eyes widened at the sight of his tattoo.

"It's Frankenstein!" You laughed and pulled him back down on top of you. His hot breath was scorching you and you couldn't wait to taste his mouth on yours again. The moaning from both of you was getting louder and louder and he reached down to begin pulling off his jeans. You smiled up into his face as you finally felt his heat against your thighs.

"Do you trust me?" Matt asked, holding himself back from entering you.
"Yes, baby. I trust you completely." You whispered and gasped as he thrust deep inside you.

Later in the afternoon, Matt held you tightly in his arms and kissed your temple. Your naked bodies fit closely together under the light blanket.
"Sorry I made you miss work." He laughed. He wasn't really sorry.
"Yeah, you really should go. I have tons of work to do." You bumped his hip with yours under the covers.
"Fine. I was done anyway." Matt grinned and jumped naked out of the bed and headed for the window.

"Made in Alaska?!" You yelled, staring at his butt. "You are insane!"
Matt laughed and shook his long curly hair at you. "Much like my hair I'm untamed."

He dashed back across the room and jumped back in the bed, wrapping his muscled arms around you.

"Can I tell you again how sorry I am for how I acted before?" He didn't look at you as he said the words and you didn't require it.
"You don't have to, Matt. I believe you and I trust you."

"Can I ask you something?" That time he tipped your chin up to look into his face.

"Why are there big red lips on my drawing?" He pointed to the drawing you had tacked to the wall as he stared hard into your face. "I mean, really? That was a work of art and you smooched all over it!"

When you started laughing, Matt pretended to be hurt and continued his tirade. "That was an original 'Matt Brown' and who knows, it could have been worth millions one day!"

When Matt finally stopped chattering on about his work of art, and you finally stopped laughing, he leaned down and kissed you hard on the lips.

"Do you love me?" He asked sincerely.
"Do you trust me?" His eyes searched your face.
"Will you marry me?"


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