Who Are You?

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Matt sat on the edge of the swimming pool, his bare feet splashing back and forth in the cool chlorinated water, an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips. He was wearing only bright green swim trunks and a bear claw necklace around his neck. The hotel was quiet that night and he needed some time to himself to think.

His hair was newly cut and too short for his liking. You stood near the door to the indoor pool and watched as he yanked on his short salt and pepper curls, trying to stretch them out longer.

"You're going to pull your hair right out of your head if you keep doing that." You said loudly and he swung his head around to see who was talking.

Tired blue eyes peered up at you from a very youthful looking face. There was a sadness about him that pricked at your heart and made you wonder what had brought him to this place. Then your nose wrinkled instinctively at the sight of the cigarette hanging from his lips.

"You shouldn't smoke." You didn't know him at all but you didn't care. Truth was truth.
"It's not lit." He shot back and barked out a short laugh.
"Trying to quit?" You asked softly.

It was late at night and you had come to the pool because you were bored. Your own family was asleep in their rooms but sleep had fled from you like a coward. Unable to lie in the uncomfortable bed any longer, you had slipped into your bathing suit and come down to the pool. You had thought you would be alone. But here was this man, who immediately intrigued you and made your senses tingle with questions. He looked like he wanted to be alone with his thoughts. But like you said, you were bored and he hadn't yet jumped up and run away. So...

"Mind if I join you?" You said brightly and plopped down on the edge of the pool beside him.
"Actually..." He began but that answer didn't fit your plans so you faked a cough to cover over his words and continued.

Holding out your right hand to him, you waited for him to take it and introduce himself. You waited. And waited. And waited.

"Tell me your name or I'm slapping that cigarette out of your mouth." You weren't angry but you needed to get his attention. He seemed to be slipping further into a sadness that was starting to concern you. You didn't know him at all, but your heart hurt just looking at him. Something was very wrong.

"I'm Matt." Was all he said.
"Well, Matt. You're bumming me out."

You slipped down into the cool water and were grateful that it was shallow enough for you to stand on your feet. Bouncing lightly on your toes, you faced him and splashed water on his bare legs.

"Who are you?" Matt plucked the cigarette from his mouth and started to pull his feet from the water.
"Stop that." You slapped at his feet and then grabbed them, forcing them back under the water.

The look of shock on his face was priceless. He was stunned. And confused. All mixed with a little fear. But thankfully, he looked a little more alive. Matt had no idea who he was dealing with and you kept your hands on his wet feet until he stopped wiggling and tossed the cold cigarette off to one side.

"Are you done?" You asked sweetly and prepared yourself to fuss at him a little more. You were determined to find out what was wrong with him and do anything you could to change his mood. It was who you were. And it was what you did.

But you had no idea who you were dealing with. And when Matt opened his blue eyes wide and began to smile at you, your heart seemed to stop and your mouth dropped open and you were lost in him even before you took your next breath. Who was this man?

"Uhhhh..." You stammered as his eyes locked on yours.

Matt pushed down on the rim of the pool with his palms and you couldn't stop yourself from staring at how the muscles in his arms and shoulders tightened and bunched as he strained. Lifting himself up from the edge, he slid easily into the water. You were too surprised to move and he landed on his feet in the pool, his nose inches from yours.

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