Lie To Me. Part 3

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But he wasn't gone.

"This is a nice apartment." Matt spoke from directly behind you. You hadn't heard his footsteps and you turned around, startled.
"Wow. You're really quiet!" Your laugh began to bubble out of you and you stopped quickly, not sure if it was appropriate.

"You have a great laugh." Matt smiled and shrugged out of his jacket and laid it on the arm of the couch. Your heart began to pound at the sight of his firm chest, clearly visible through his thin t-shirt.

"Thanks." You replied with a little grin. "I got it at a store in Juneau. They were having a sale." Matt stared at you for a half-second and you wanted to punch yourself. Could you ever stop joking? But then he laughed out loud and pulled his hat off of his head, tossing it on top of his jacket.

"That's funny." Matt followed you into the kitchen and leaned his forearms on the counter as you pulled down a clean cup and began to prepare his tea.

You tried not to stare at his muscled arms as you busied yourself in the kitchen and when Matt began to talk, he went on for several minutes without a break. It wasn't even necessary to respond. All you had to do was nod your head from time to time and he quickly moved from one topic to the other. It was wonderful.

You were free to watch his lips as he spoke and to peer directly into his eyes. So when he suddenly stopped talking and stared at you, you didn't know what to say.

"I guess I got a little talky, there." Matt apologized and finally took a sip of his tea. He grimaced at the cold tea but quickly laughed. "Can you warm this up for me?"
Laughing with him, you took the cup from his hand and turned back to the stove.

"We aren't together anymore." The force of his sudden words nearly buckled your knees and your hand holding the cup began to tremble. You had seen the breakup coming the minute you saw her with that other guy. And now all you wanted to do was scream, "YES!" and throw your arms around his neck and cover his mouth with your kisses. But her lies would make him wary and cautious, so you knew you had to force yourself to wait until his heart had healed.

"I'm sorry." You turned slowly around to face him and as you saw the tears on his face, your resolve broke and you ran at him and threw your arms around his neck. "I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve what she did to you." As soon as the words left your mouth, you regretted them. How could you explain how you already knew what had happened between the two of them? How could you explain that all the times he just 'happened' to run into you were actually well planned by you?

But as your mind spun with questions, you felt Matt grasping at your waist, his shoulders shaking. So you held onto Matt and he held onto you and you felt like your chest might explode trying to hold back your own tears. You wanted to confess all your feelings to him and tell him you would never lie to him and you would never cheat on him and you would always be there for him.

Pressed against him the way you were, you felt the change in his touch immediately. His arms were no longer clutching you with grief, but were holding you, sliding up and down with passion. If you let him continue, you knew where it would lead and you struggled with wanting so badly to be with him but also knowing he needed to take some time to mend his heart.

But then Matt pulled back suddenly and looked at you, his eyes searching your face for something. You kept your eyes on his and didn't look away. It was his decision to make.

When Matt released you and turned away, you almost died. Why did I grab him like that? You silently beat at yourself. You waited for Matt to reach for his jacket and hat. Instead, he moved to sit down heavily on the couch. He looked back at you, his smile a little sad.

"Can we sit and talk tonight?" He asked hopefully. "Can we do that?"

"Of course, we can talk, Matt. We can talk as long as you want." You joined him on the couch and smiled and sipped your coffee as he poured out his heart to you.

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