Old Friends. Part 1

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Matt and Gabe leaped over the side of the Integrity and landed on the dock below. Straightening up, Matt craned his neck around looking for you where you had promised to meet him. The day was cool and sunny and his heart was full of excitement at seeing you again. The two brothers began walking slowly away from their boat, their conversation light and casual. Matt was in a great mood and was talking animatedly about what he had planned for your date. When Matt stopped suddenly and his eyes narrowed, staring at something in the distance, Gabe stopped beside him and followed his gaze.

"Who is that guy your girlfriend is talking to?" Gabe leaned over and spoke softly in Matt's ear.

"I don't know, man." Matt answered quickly. "But it doesn't matter. She's with me now and I trust her."

Matt said the words confidently but his eyes shifted from your face to your body language as you talked with the dark haired man. He had been feeling really good about your relationship and after your trip to Brown Town the previous week and he had thought it was time to move things a little further ahead. Gabe wasn't sure what to say after asking his question, so he gave Matt a quick pat on the back and began wandering slowly down the dock toward town. You were so engrossed in your conversation with the man that you never even saw Gabe walk by.

You suddenly threw your head back and laughed loudly at something the man said and Matt jerked in surprise. Frowning, Matt reached up and adjusted his hat on his head as he started to walk toward the two of you. There was something in the way the man looked at you as you smiled and tenderly touched his arm that felt wrong. Maybe Matt was being too sensitive or too jealous when it came to you, but he didn't like what he was seeing and he moved quickly to close the distance.

"Hey, sweetie." He slipped his arm around you possessively and gave you a quick peck on the cheek. He gave an inward sigh of relief when he saw your face was open and unguarded. But as he turned to face the man you had been talking with, Matt saw a flash of a look on his face that aroused his suspicions and Matt dropped his hands to sides, ready for what might come next.

"Hi, Babe." You answered brightly and slipped your arm behind Matt's elbow and leaned close. "This is Pete. We're old friends. We went to school together."

Pete's face as he stared at Matt was closed and hard. But as you glanced back at Pete, his face immediately transformed back to the open, friendly smile he had been sharing with you. Matt, seeing the deceptive transformation on Pete's features felt the small hairs rise up on the back of his neck. A short stalemate of a moment passed before Matt pasted a smile on his face and broke the silence.

"Nice to meet you, Pete." Matt lied as he stuck out his hand for Pete to shake.

"Likewise." Pete lied in return.

At first you didn't realize what was going on. You had known Pete forever and you trusted Matt with your life and your heart. So you did what people do when they meet old friends on the street. You invited Pete to join you and Matt for a cup of coffee and to catch up on old times. Matt was always up for talking and socializing and his hesitation at your suggestion was so brief that you could almost convince yourself that you hadn't seen it. But you were so deeply in love with Matt that you were aware of his every expression and the change in his mood was clear for you to see. Matt meant everything to you and you needed to get him alone to talk and find out what you were missing.

"Oh, wait, Pete. I'm sorry." You snuggled yourself closer to Matt and smiled over at Pete. "I forgot Matt and I have some errands to run before the stores close today." You could feel the tension in Matt's body as it was pressed against yours and you didn't dare look at him as you spoke. "So, forgive me, but we won't be able to visit this time. Maybe next time we're in town we can do something." You finished with a happy smile.

"Yeah, man." Matt's voice close to your ear was loud and clear. "Maybe next time."

"Sure thing." Pete's smile was strained as he nodded his head at the two of you. "See you around."

Matt tensed even further when he saw that Pete looked directly at you when he said, 'see you around.' The breath Matt had been holding pushed through his lips audibly as the two of you watched Pete walk away down the wooden dock toward town. You hadn't realized how tightly you were holding Matt's arm until he turned, looked closely at you and muttered, "Ouch."

"Sorry, Babe." You apologized and loosened your grip a little, but you didn't want to completely let go. "What just happened here?" Your question seemed to take Matt by surprise and he laughed loudly and grabbed your face in his hands.

"What just happened was that I was in the nick of time to keep that guy from stealing you away from me." Matt didn't let go of your face as he answered and it was your turn to look surprised.

"What would I want with him when I have you?" The honesty of your statement was all Matt needed to hear. His mouth opened slightly and his kiss was hot and demanding and you gave it back as good as he gave it to you. Your eyes were open and so were his, each of you not wanting to take your eyes off the other.

"Yeah. You do have me, don't you?" Matt teased as he slid his lips along your jaw, his tongue sliding as it went.

"Yes. I do, and you have me." You trembled at the tingle his tongue was creating on your skin. "But you can't have me just yet. We've still got those errands to run."

"Right." Matt grinned and threw his arm around your shoulder and stuffed the other hand in his pants pocket. "But after the errands, let's go do something fun." He offered.

"Yeah. I'm up for that!" You agreed eagerly.

As you and Matt strolled together past the first of the tall buildings next to the dock, neither of you saw Pete silently step back into the shadows.

*****End of Part One. More to come!*****

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