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You sat on the hard bench with the large potted plant tucked between your feet and the large duffel bag perched on your knees. It was so cold sitting outside that you wanted to scream.

Instead, you mentally cursed your landlord who insisted that your rent be paid on time. What was wrong with that guy, anyway? You had been thirty days late dozens of times before. Why was he suddenly being a stickler to all the rules? Sure, you had signed a contract and sure, this time you were more than thirty days late, but come on! It was February in Alaska and you simply couldn't believe he had thrown you out on the street. Your job had ended when the tourist season ended and you had been trying to find income some other way. But it had been harder than you thought to find something new in the off season.

So, with no mercy from your landlord, you stuffed everything that meant anything to you into the large green duffel bag and slung it over your shoulder. As you walked away from the small apartment, you looked down at the leafy green plant that had already been there when you moved in.

"Come on, Phil." You hefted the philodendron plant into your arms. "You're coming with me."

Now, sitting on the hard bench on the windy sidewalk, it was hard to believe that all of your worldly possessions fit in one duffel bag. You didn't come to Alaska with much and it seemed like you might be leaving Alaska with even less.

"We'll be fine, Phil." You leaned down and spoke gently to the green plant resting between you feet. You gritted your teeth against the cold.

"Who's Phil?" The male voice spoke from just to your left.

Your eye followed the chunky brown work boots upward to a pair of legs clad in a pair of grimy blue jeans that were bunched around the ankles.

"Ewwww..." Was your first thought.

Then your eye continued to travel upward as you lifted your head and by the time you took in the trim waisted man with his hands stuffed into his pockets, you were biting your lip to hold back a squeal.

"Daaannnng..." You muttered as his thick chest and arms came into view.

By the time you fully lifted your head and his bright blue eyes and curly hair and happy smile met your dark brown eyes, you weren't sure what the next words out of your mouth would be.

"Daaaannng." You said out loud.

"What?" Came the laughing response from the man you had decided would be the father of your children.

"Where did you come from?" You asked and shook your hair out of your eyes and pushed your glasses further up your nose.

"Over there." He pointed over his shoulder to the nearby boat dock.

You squinted a little, trying to make out the boat he was pointing at among all the boats that were docked there.

"Yeah. Ok." You muttered since that didn't really answer your question, but you realized you really didn't care where he came from.

When he opened his mouth to talk, you didn't know that he wouldn't stop talking for a solid fifteen minutes. During that time he told you his name, his favorite food, the superpower he would like to have – Telekinesis, because he thought it would be cool to move things with his mind – and a host of other information that was neither important nor relevant. Yet you hung on his every word and smiled when he smiled and laughed when he laughed. He didn't seem nervous, just happy and content to tell you every thought that popped into his head. He was kinda fascinating.

"Where are you going?" He asked, pointing at the large duffle bag on your lap.

You blinked, surprised that he had stopped telling you random facts that you would never remember and was asking you a question.

Matt Brown: Collection of Short Alaskan Bush People Fan FicsWhere stories live. Discover now