The Right One. Part 3

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The next morning, you were sitting cross legged on the bed watching Matt sleep. It was hard not to lean over and wake him up. You smoothed down your hair with your hands and then folded your hands together and dropped them to your lap, waiting.

Last night's lovemaking had been fast and frantic and amazing. Matt had left you breathless and pleasantly worn out. But he promised he would love you slow and sweet the next morning. You couldn't wait. Jiggling your crossed legs slightly, you thought the movement might stir him. But he was still asleep and the morning sunlight had been pouring through the window for over an hour. Patience didn't come easily to you and waiting for Matt to wake up was excruciating.

"Matt?" You finally whispered and bounced the bed a little harder. Matt didn't stir.

Matt was lying on his back with one hand thrown up over his head and the other arm slung loosely across his chest. He was even more beautiful when he was asleep and his features were relaxed and calm. Unable to wait any longer, you slid yourself down and stretched out beside him, nestling into the hollow of his arm. Matt stirred immediately and his arm came down and slid along your bare back.

"Morning." He mumbled and you saw the start of his smile that was your undoing last night.

"Good morning." You peered up into his face, loving the look of his morning stubble and his bed tousled hair.

"You are real." Matt looked around the room and scrubbed a hand along his face.

"Well... Yeah." You frowned a little, not sure what he meant.

"I thought I had dreamed you and everything."

"Hmmm. Was it a good dream or a bad dream?" You asked the question jokingly.

Matt slid his hand down from his face and looked at you for so long that you began to actually get scared. His smile had completely disappeared. A tiny pin prick of fear took root in your heart and was already expanding so rapidly your breath nearly disappeared from your throat.

"Oh, Matt..." You breathed and closed your eyes.

"Listen." Matt started and your blood froze. Nothing good ever came of it when a man started a conversation with 'listen'. The last thing you wanted to do was listen. You wanted to remember the passionate look in his eyes as he held you the night before. You wanted to laugh out loud again at the memory of Matt explaining why he will never sleep in a bathtub ever again. You wanted a lot of things, but you definitely did not want to hear what Matt had to say right then.

You turned your head and pushed your face further into his armpit and yes, it smelled a little ripe after all of your sweaty exertions the night before, but you didn't care. You wanted to get your ears as far away from his mouth as you could to keep from hearing his words.

"Listen." He said again and pushed your chin up, forcing you to look at him. "Last night was great."

"Yeah?" You said and prayed your voice wouldn't crack. You didn't need him to know how much you wanted him and how much he already meant to you.

"But I need to ask you something." Without waiting for a response, Matt continued. "You told me the other day that you tended to shy away from 'normal'."

"I'm not crazy! I swear!" You suddenly screamed and realized that maybe yelling wasn't the best way to express that thought.

"HAHA!" Matt was laughing and pulling you on top of him before the last echo of your shouts had even died away. "I have never been what people call 'normal' either. So I was really hoping you were a little crazy, too." He admitted and nibbled at the side of your neck, making you giggle.

"I'm not crazy, but I can be." You squeezed your shoulders up to try and protect your neck but Matt's lips were relentless.

He pulled back suddenly and laughed, throwing your words from your first meeting back in your face. "I thought you told me to be who I am and don't try to be who someone else wants me to be."

"Do you want to die, Matt?" You narrowed your eyes at him. But he was right. You needed to be who you were and let him be who he was.

"No. I don't want to die." A wild light came into Matt's eyes as his arms tightened around you. "I want to do...this!"

Matt flipped you over onto your back and began tickling your sides as he rained kisses down on your face and neck. You squealed and flailed underneath him. As his tickles turned to stroking, his lips found yours and the urgency of his kiss left you breathless.

"Hey, dude. I thought you said this time would be slow and sweet." You reminded him when you could catch your breath.

"Oh, yeah. I did say that, didn't I?" Matt said quietly and immediately his touch changed to such a slow sensual movement that you thought you might scream out loud. But that's exactly what you had been wanting.

This time, neither of you slept afterward. You lay in each other's arms and Matt gently rubbed his hands up and down your arms. Although his touch was gentle, his hands were rough against your skin.

"What are those callouses on your hands from?" You lifted up one of his fingers and let it drop.

"I'm a hardworking man." He joked.

"You're kinda stinky today, too." You decided to let him experience the blunt side of your personality and see if he could deal with it.

"Yes. I'm a stinky man with scars and tattoos. I thought chicks dig that sort of thing." He said with a grin.

"What kind of girls have you been going out with?"

"Clearly not the right ones." He whispered directly into your ear and you felt the tingle all the way to your toes.

"Love me." He whispered almost too softly for you to hear.

"You are so needy." You smiled and nibbled at his chin as your heart flipped inside your chest.

"Need me." He pressed his lips to your jaw.

"I do, Matt. I already need you so much it scares me."

"Great!" Matt laughed and you jumped at the sudden volume. "We can be scared together."

Pulling yourself up on one elbow you looked into Matt's eyes. Now that you knew that's where the truth about Matt could be found, you wanted to see for yourself if this was real. You knew how you felt. This was moving fast, but you were sure he was the right one for you. His blue eyes were bright and clear and not still. They moved up and down and left and right as if he wanted to take in all of you at once.

"Come meet my family today." He said brightly.

You gave him a lopsided smile. "What's my last name, Matt?"

"I don't know but it will be Brown soon if I get my way." He slid his hips closer to you. "Will I get my way?" His grin was so sexy.

"You've gotten it so far." You said and Matt opened his eyes wide in mock surprise.

"That's a yes, then?" His laugh shot out of him and he was so happy you had to laugh with him.

"That's a no on the marriage proposal." Matt frowned dramatically. "But a yes to meeting your family."

His grin returned. "So I just need to wear you down on that marriage thing, don't I?"

"You're gonna be trouble, aren't you?" You accused as you ran a hand along his chest down to his stomach. You heard his sharp intake of breath as your hand slipped further down.

"We'll see." He smiled and covered your mouth with his.

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