The Right One. Part 5

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The next morning you awoke to the sound of loud off-key singing and the smell of bacon frying. A slow smile spread over your face as you stretched your arms above your head. You hadn't known Matt could cook, but you were thrilled to find that out about him. Partly because that just proved how amazing he was, but also because you were starving. Naked and cold too, but mostly starving.

Jumping quickly from the bed, you snagged Matt's t-shirt from where he had tossed it on the chair and pulled it over your head. You padded barefoot into the kitchen, breathing in the delicious smells of coffee and a bacon-rich breakfast. Your eyes were still adjusting to the bright sunlight streaming through the kitchen window, but they flew open wide and you stopped short at the sight of Matt standing at the stove. His long curls were gone!

"Wait, baby. Just wait!" Matt slung down the fork he had been using to flip over the bacon and swung around at the sound of your anguished screams. "Let me explain!"

As Matt turned to face you, your stunned expression made him frown deeply with concern. He had cut his long curls close to his scalp, leaving just a longer fringe of hair around the front and sides. Your hands flew to his head and you couldn't even speak. You just gaped and shook your head and grabbed at the place where his beautiful silver gray curls used to be.

"I can explain." Matt pleaded as he turned off the stove and led you to the small kitchen table. "Just sit."

You shook your head. You didn't want to sit. You wanted to ask him why he didn't even ask you about what you thought about his hair and why he didn't talk to you before he cut it. His long wild hair was so beautiful but even as you tried to maintain your anger at what he had done, your fingers slid through the close cropped hair and you

"Explain, Matt." You said tersely as you continued to stand and stroke the softness of his short hair that felt like silk under your fingers.

"I was ready for a change." He said and looked closely at you. His blue eyes searched your face for anger and finding none, he continued. I'm ready to start a new life. With you." His lips pressed to your forehead for a quick kiss. "Are you ready to start a new life with me?"

"I'm not cutting my hair, dude." You squeezed close to him and hoped he couldn't feel the pounding of your heart at his words.

Matt stood back and then with a silly grin, he twirled in a circle, giving you the full view. "Tell me what you think."

For the first time you focused on the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt and as he turned, the muscles in his back flexed bringing a familiar heat. Tearing your eyes away from his bare chest that had begun to be highly distracting, you met his eyes.

"You really should wear a shirt when you're frying bacon." You smiled a looked away.

"HAHA! You know what I mean." Matt laughed and moved close again.

You couldn't stay angry at him. He already meant so much to you that you didn't want to waste any of your precious time together fighting over something that didn't really matter. Matt was so different from anyone you had met. Every word out of his mouth either made you laugh or cry or think more deeply than you ever had. He was definitely the right one for you and needed him to know that.

"I don't care if your hair is short or long, Matt. I love you and your hair isn't who you are. I just wish you had given me some warning before you did this." Your hands went back to sliding over the short hairs and you finally pressed your face to the soft place just behind his ear that was now clipped and bare and so warm and sexy. You gave his neck a little nibble and pulled back.

"I knew you would say that." Matt pressed his hands onto your waist and grinned. "I knew you wouldn't care."

"Well..." You hesitated. "I care. I liked your long curls. But as long as you are still the same Matt, here..." You pressed a hand to his heart. "You can do whatever you want, here..." Your fingers stroked into his hair again.

"It's a deal." Matt sat down on the narrow wooden kitchen chair and pulled you onto his lap.

"Do you remember what you said when I first told you I lived in a house I made out of tires?" He asked, his eyes crinkling as he smiled.

"Yes. I said that sounded cool and I hoped to get to see it soon." You replied.

Matt nodded and smiled wider as he recognized you were wearing his t-shirt. He reached to remove it, lifting the soft cloth over your head.

"And do you remember what you said when I told you my favorite place other than home, was the town dump?"

"Yes. I said I'd like to go with you next time you go." You closed your eyes slightly as Matt's strong fingers gently caressed your bare breasts.

Matt suddenly stopped and took your face in his hands and your heart started thumping in your chest like a drum.

"You are the right girl for me, you know that?"

You knew that. You had known that from the minute you first looked into his eyes and saw the real Matt. But everything was moving so fast.

"Really?" You joked a little nervously. "And not Nic?" You lifted an eyebrow and were rewarded by another beautiful smile from Matt.

"How could I be happy with a woman who is allergic to wildflowers?" He slapped your butt lightly and bounced you a little on his lap. "She'd never make it living in Brown Town."

"How do you know I'd be happy living in Brown Town?" You asked the question with a smile to hide a tiny but real germ of fear.

You were a city girl after all. Juneau was in Alaska, but it wasn't the same as living in the bush. Dinner with Matt's family had gone really well after he had drug you back to the restaurant. His sisters had been so sweet that you had wanted to cry and his brother Noah finally forgave you for smacking him in the back of the head. Being accepted by them was important to Matt. You got along well with him and his family in a restaurant. In the city. But bush life was different. Adjusting to life in Brown Town would be a major hurdle.

However, sitting there safe in Matt's arms, listening to his soft comforting voice, you could almost believe anything was possible.

"Matt. You know I tend to shy away from normal."
"I'm counting on that." His hand patted your butt again.

"You don't even know my last name."
"It's Brown. It will always be Brown."

You threw your head back and laughed at this man who made you feel that everything you were was everything he needed.

"You may as well say yes. I'm here to stay." He patted your butt again and you narrowed your eyes at him and said softly.

"Pat my butt again, dude. And see what it gets you."

Matt stood up with you in his arms. "I'm hoping it will get me...this." He brought his lips to yours and kissed you so deeply that your knees grew weak. You were grateful he was holding you in his arms or else you would have fallen into a happy, helpless lump on the floor. The kiss continued as he walked with you to the bedroom and laid you gently down on the rumpled sheets of the bed. As he stretched himself out beside you, he put his lips close to your ear.

"Love me." He whispered.
"I do." You breathed.
"Marry me." He asked.
"I will."
The End

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