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You stood with your arms wrapped tightly around yourself, hugging your heavy coat close around you. You weren't cold, just...a little sad. There wasn't any one thing you could point to that was wrong. You loved your life and you loved your boyfriend Matt. He was always happy and even when things would get him down or make him mad, he would quickly recover. He said being with you gave him strength to move past the small aggravations that life tossed at him.
"You are my rock." He would often tell you.
But some days were just...hard. Your emotions were raw and it was hard to settle yourself down. So you had slipped away to be by yourself for a bit.

The last thing you wanted to do was to put a damper on all the family festivities. Matt had brought you to Brown Town for the day to celebrate his parents' wedding anniversary. They had been married for such a long time and their marriage was solid and joyful. And you had been joyful too. But halfway through the party, your heart began to get heavy and you finally excused yourself. Walking to the edge of the clearing, you watched the family as they laughed and talked easily with each other.

"Ah." You breathed out the word as you finally put your finger on what was wrong. You wanted to feel like you were a part of the family, but as Matt's girlfriend, your role wasn't yet secure. Matt did everything right to try to make you feel included, but there was still this slight distance between you and his family. The have been so close for so long that it was hard for you to find your place with them.

Across the clearing, you saw Matt glance around with a slight frown on his face. You knew he was looking for you and you didn't want him to worry, so you lifted your hand in a wave and called out,
"Hey, Matt! I'm over here!"

The huge grin that lit up his face when he saw you was like a blazing ray of sunshine, piercing through your dark haze. You shook your head and laughed as he jumped up and started running straight at you, yelling your name over and over. When he reached you, he skidded to a stop, his grin wide and he stuffed his hands in his front pants pocket.

"Kiss me!" He closed his eyes and puckered up. He was so beautiful and so sweet that your heart skipped a beat with love for him. You threw your arms around his neck and kissed him hard on the mouth, your tongue reaching for him, tasting him. He couldn't hold back and you smiled through the kiss as his arms slid around your waist and he crushed you to his chest.

"You make me crazy!" Matt laughed.
"Oh, don't blame that on me." You laughed back. "You were crazy when I met you!"
"Yes, but now?" His mouth slid along your jaw and your heart pounded in your chest at the heat that burned through you. "Now, I'm crazy about you." His whisper was hoarse with passion.

He turned you in his arms to face the clearing where his parents sat, heads close together, still clearly in love after all these years.
"That's us in another thirty-five years." His lips nipped at your neck. "If that's what you want."
Your eyes misted with tears as you realized this was Matt's way of asking you to marry him. He was so silly sometimes and you had often thought about the crazy way he would propose to you. But this simple question? It was perfect.

"Matt?" You turned again to face him. He was smart and funny and the most loving man you had ever known and you simply couldn't imagine your life without him.
"Yes. That's what I want. But not just for thirty-five years."

Matt nodded his head. He understood.
"Forever?" He already knew the answer, but you gave it anyway.
"Forever." You answered.

Matt Brown: Collection of Short Alaskan Bush People Fan FicsWhere stories live. Discover now