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Matt never walked anywhere slow. He moved fast and talked fast and never seemed to sit still for very long. Unless he was asleep. He ran full tilt from the time he woke up to the time he crashed, which could be anytime during the day. At a certain point, his body would simply begin to drag him down. He would wind up sleeping anywhere he could find a place to lay down, whether it was really comfortable for him or not.

Over the last few days, more than once you answered a knock on your front door only to find Matt barely holding himself upright on your front porch. You would throw an arm around his waist and drag him, talking and laughing into your bedroom and depositing him gently on your bed.

You hadn't been dating long, so things between you were still careful.
"I don't want you to think I'm only coming here to go to bed with you." He said as he yanked off his boots and peeled off his jacket, crawling under the light covers on your bed.
"Of course not, Matt. Why would I want to have sex with you?" You joked and didn't worry about his answer. He was already half asleep.
"Riiiiight..." He mumbled as his head hit the pillow. "It's so much quieter here than at home."
"Uh, huh." You smiled and bent down to retrieve his brown jacket from off the floor and draped it across the chair. Matt's snores were soft and regular within seconds.

You hadn't hesitated for a minute when he asked you for a date two weeks before. The day you had been having should have made you say no to anything anyone asked. That day, too many grumpy moms and unhappy kids had tromped sullenly through the kids section of the library where you worked.

The smell of tiredness and bubblegum made your stomach clench and made you wish you had a job outdoors. At least there the air was fresh and the only complaining would come from the crickets as you disturbed them in the tall grasses. Then Matt Brown walked through the door.

He shoved his sunglasses on top of his head in a futile attempt to tame his unruly curls. Curls that you immediately wanted to sink your fingers into and bury your face into.

"Hi! How can I help you?" You called out, for once eager to help a library patron with anything they might need.
"Hi! I'm Matt." He answered back just as brightly and stuck out his hand for you to shake. "Looking to use a computer for a few minutes."

You never believed in love at first sight. And the feeling you were having looking into his blue eyes was far from love. The sensation you felt was much further down from your heart and not nearly as pure as love. Even Matt's hands were sexy. Your brain tried to force your eyes to stay on his and for the most part, you succeeded. That was until he smiled and your mind was no longer in control and your eyes traveled quickly up and down his body.

And now that beautiful man was lying in your bed, relaxed and comfortable and peaceful. When he was awake, the two of you talked so much that you were often so tired afterward that you slept for hours. And when he awoke, his hands would reach out for you.

His touch would start the fire that could only be quenched by him moving over you, his body heavy on yours. Slowly at first, then quickly building to a climax that left you both happy and breathless and ready for more sleep.

Matt's mind was always a blur of thoughts and ideas and creations. His heart was so open to people that it frightened you a little. He trusted people unconditionally until they gave him a reason not to. You hoped never to give him a reason to stop trusting you. Your own heart had been so wounded so many times that you weren't as trusting as he was. But you were learning. Matt was showing you how.

"Sorry I sleep so much when we're together." Matt's words were slurred and you jerked your head over to him where he lay watching you.

"I thought you were asleep." Your smile came quickly whenever Matt smiled at you.
"I was. But I don't want to sleep without you tonight." He reached his hand out for you.

Smiling shyly, because Matt always made you feel like a young girl, you slipped under the covers and pressed your back to him. His arms slid around your waist and he buried his nose in your neck, his breath warm on your skin.
Slower and slower, his breathing was steady and his heartbeat against your back calmed as he relaxed against you. It gave you more joy than you would ever tell him knowing how peacefully he slept in your bed.

"When we wake up, will you let me make love to you?" He said groggily. He was almost asleep and you could have stayed silent. But you didn't.

"Yes. I'll let you make love to me. And if you don't mind," You reached back and ran a hand along his thigh. "I'd like to make love to you, too." You spoke, smiling without turning around.

"I'll wake you." Matt whispered as he slid down into a deep sleep, his body hot and tight against you.

"You won't have to." You breathed as you closed your eyes.

Matt Brown: Collection of Short Alaskan Bush People Fan FicsWhere stories live. Discover now