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Matt picked up the last wooden plank and carried it over his shoulder to the back of your cabin. Tossing the board on the growing pile, he counted the planks one more time, his finger pointing as he added up the stacks of lumber. You sat quietly on the ground watching him as he concentrated. Baby Jeremiah sat on your lap wiggling his chubby legs and chewing on his small cloth toy.
"I think we're ready to start building the addition to the cabin now." Matt said as he turned and smiled at you and Jeremiah.

His beautiful smile still excited you even after all this time. You would never forget the first time he smiled at you. His bright blue eyes had locked on yours from across the room. When he had grinned and yelled, "Don't move! I'll be right there!" you had laughed out loud and promptly fell in love with Matt Brown.

Pulling off his ratty old fedora hat, Matt leaned down and lifted his eleven-month-old son into his arms. As usual, Jeremiah's hands went straight to his dad's curly hair and he began to tug.
"Ow. Ow. Ow." Matt laughed and pretended it hurt, making faces and grimaces of pain.
"Ow. Ow." Jeremiah mimicked his dad and laughed.

You never got tired of watching him with his son. Matt had turned out to be such an amazing father. He was silly and crazy but he could be strong and firm when he needed to be. You loved how gentle he was with Jeremiah when you were around. But you also knew that when you weren't looking, Matt was likely to toss him up in the air and catch him with one hand or roll him around on the damp ground like a bowling ball, while both of them giggled like maniacs. It was something you and he had agreed on. Your two boys could play as rough as they wanted to as long as no one got hurt and as long as you didn't have to watch.

With the second baby on the way, Matt had been gathering lumber for weeks to build an addition on to your small cabin. It was still early in your pregnancy and you were just starting to show with this baby. But it seemed like your hormones were in overdrive and your body was craving your husband – it seemed like being with him was all you could think about. Well, that and taking care of your baby. But if the truth be told, Matt's sexy body was running in first place most of the time.

As you looked at your laughing husband and your giggling baby boy, your eyes were drawn to the tight muscles of Matt's arms. You watched, mouth slightly open as his smooth muscles flexed and stretched as he played with his son. A wave of heat suddenly rushed through your body as you ached to feel his arms around you again.
"Hey, Mr. Brown?" You reached your arms out for your son as you made direct eye contact with Matt. When his eyes met yours, you held his gaze and then let your eyes flick down over his body, then back up to his eyes. "How about we let Jeremiah spend some time with his grandma and we take a little break from work?"
Matt's grin widened and he didn't need to hear anything else. "I'll take him over to my mom." He stepped close and let you give your baby a quick kiss on his plump cheek. Before he pulled away, Matt slid his lips along your cheek and whispered in your ear. "Be naked when I get back."

You waited impatiently under the covers in the small bedroom of your cabin. It was still early in the day so you pulled the curtains over the one small window to hide the glare from the afternoon sun. Even though Matt had told you to be naked when he got back, you cheated a little and kept on your soft flannel shirt. He would just have to deal with that one small piece of clothing.

You glanced around and remembered the first time you and Matt were alone in this room. It was after a very long wedding day that had been filled with family and fun, but it was so tiring. As you finally settled together in the handmade wooden bed, Matt had been so nervous and you had been so sleepy. But the whole time he kept tickling you and grabbing at you to try to keep you awake. At a certain point, you weren't exactly sure when, Matt had touched you in a way that made you snap wide awake.

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