Just Friends

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You had known Matt for so long that you never really looked at him in any other way than as a friend.

He was always the first one to greet you when you and your friends would make the hour long boat trip to their land to hang out with the guys for the day. But it was clear he only saw you as one of the girls and nothing more. Even though you always had a great time with him, you felt the same way that he did. Just friends. Your friends always laughed when you told them flat out that you had absolutely no interest in Matt.

"He is sweet and handsome and funny, but simply not my type." You kept trying to explain that the type of guy you wanted was a bit more quiet and introspective.

"You mean like Bam or Noah?" They were the two they seemed to bring up every time you would tell them the kind of man you wanted to be with.

"No. Not like Bam or Noah." You protested. "I'm not sure if it even is one of the Browns. It may wind up being someone I haven't even met yet." And every time you had that discussion with them it would end up with them rolling their eyes and exchanging glances. But you knew what you wanted and Matt Brown just didn't fit the profile.

The guys were all waiting for you when your small boat arrived on the island. As usual, Matt led the charge to meet you and help to pull your boat to shore. Bear was right on his heels, wading out into the shallow water and grabbing onto the edge of your skiff, favoring his right hand.

"Hi Matt! Hi Bear!" You yelled as you steppd over the edge of the boat. Your three friends followed right behind you and they all greeted Matt and Bear, and then moved further up the beach to where Bam, Noah and Gabe were standing.

"Hey Bear." You threw your arms around his neck for a quick hug. "Your hand still bothering you?" Since he had broken it earlier in the year, Bear still tended to use his left hand more than his right.

"Yeah, but it's a lot better than it was." He lifted his hand for you to examine as he flexed his fingers.

"Oh, he's fine!" Matt butted in and gave Bear a shove out of the way. When you smiled at Matt he grinned right back and threw open his arms. You stepped into his embrace and his muscular arms tightened around you. His hugs always made you feel welcome and you had to admit you started to look forward to that first hug every time you came to Brown Town. But just in a friendly way, nothing more.

"Let's go have some fun!" Matt yelled over his shoulder to his brothers as he took your hand and began to lead you toward the path to the campsite.

There never was any formal agenda for your time on the island. The brothers would always have something outdoorsy and fun activities for you and your friends to do. The very first visit was a little awkward when Bear tried his best to get everyone to climb the same spindly tree. You had stood your ground firmly, shaking your head no, over and over and for so long that Matt had finally stepped up behind you and placed his hands on the side of your head to stop you from moving your head back and forth.

"We'll find something else to do." He had whispered loudly in your ear. He really had a hard time speaking softly. And thinking back, you realized that was the beginning of your friendship with Matt. That day he had taken your hand and led you to the shooting range, talking non-stop the whole way. He talked about the house he was building and the time he smashed his hand building the house and the time the skiff escaped into the open ocean and he and Bear had to swim out to bring it back. By the end of the afternoon, you had talked and laughed with Matt more than you had shot at the target, but it had been crazy and fun and you really were looking forward to the next trip so you could spend time with him.

And now, as Matt tugged you along beside him, you listened as he excitedly talked about Noah's newest invention and the new smokehouse they were building and Rainy's new rifle that she absolutely loved. You were used to the non-stop talking now and in a funny way, you were finding it somewhat relaxing and comfortable.  You began interrupting Matt to add your comments to his story and ask more questions and soon the two of you were talking back and forth and laughing so loud that before you realized it you were standing at the door to Matt's cabin and he had stopped and was gazing at you with a look you had never seen before. Oh, No. You thought. When had this happened? When had he fallen for you? And a new thought canes on the heels of that one. When had you fallen for Matt?

You needed to catch your breath. Matt was quieter than you ever remembered him being. And while this new, quiet Matt was nice, to your surprise, you were already missing the loud Matt, the silly Matt, the talky kinda Matt; The Matt you realized you were crazy about.

"Do you want to come in?" Matt's blue eyes pierced yours and it amazed you that you had never noticed before just how beautiful they were. But you needed to know for sure where you stood with him.

"As friends?" You returned his direct gaze.

"No." He smiled. Your heart thumped in your chest as you looked at your friend Matt.

"Then, yes." You smiled and followed him into his cabin.

Matt Brown: Collection of Short Alaskan Bush People Fan FicsWhere stories live. Discover now