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Matt jumps up onto the large pile of scrap material, and grins widely at all the treasures. Going to the local dump is always a favorite task for him. His brother-from-another-mother, Kenny, yells up at Matt from the bottom of the pile.

"Hey, Matt. How's it going, man?" Kenny's loud voice booms easily up to Matt.
"Amazing, man!" Matt holds up a square of shiny metal. "This would make a great table, dude. I can tack it to the wall on a hinge and pull it down when I need it!" Matt is almost vibrating with excitement.
"Cool!" Kenny yells back. "Hey, man. If you see a red headed girl wandering around up there, tell her I'm looking for her. She's my cousin."
"Sure thing, man." Matt yells back with a thumbs up.

Matt returns back to his scavenging, digging deeper and deeper into the pile of discards. He spots a promising looking coil of metal and reaches down to pull it out of the tangle of metal.
"Hey, drop it, man. That's mine!" Turning quickly, Matt locates the source of the commanding voice. A stunning redhead, wearing a bright green sweater, stands angrily with hands on her hips. As Matt swings around to face her, he loses his footing on the unsteady pile of junk.

"Yaaaa!" He yells as he lurches forward, grabbing for something to break his fall. His grasping hand is suddenly caught in the firm grip of the red haired girl.
"What a klutz." She laughs, steadying him. "You must be Matt."
"Yeah, I am a klutz. And yes, I am Matt." He gives her hand a little squeeze before releasing it. "You must be Kenny's cousin."

She nods her head and the movement makes her red hair dance like a river of fire. Matt is momentarily speechless as his eyes travel from her red hair to her bright green eyes.
"I'm Keena." Her smile is dazzling. Mistaking Matt's silence for confusion, she explains. "Yeah, it's a weird name. It's Irish. It means 'brave'." She laughs.

Matt finally finds his voice. "No, I mean, yeah! That a great name. It's pretty." He looks around at the mound of scrap they are standing on.
"So, what do you plan to do with that coil?"
"Oh, that? Isn it great? I can use that for all sorts of things in my shop. I make metal art."

She leans forward and raises her eyebrows. "It's junk art. But it's so cool." Her excitement builds. "Every time I come here I find such great stuff. Here, look at this." She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small pile of nuts and washers. These will make great accents for the iron sculptures I make!"

Matt watches her closely. She is covered in dust from crawling around the junk pile, but she is so beautiful. He guesses she is about four inches taller than him, but truly, he doesn't care. Her animation as she describes her art makes him want to be quiet and listen to her talk forever. But being Matt, he can only be quiet for so long.

"That is so cool!" Matt suddenly waves his arms above his head. "I just love coming to this place!" He reaches out and extends one hand to help Keena over to the next promising pile of scrap metal. Catching her gaze, Matt looks into her smiling green eyes. "You never know what treasures you'll find here."

Matt Brown: Collection of Short Alaskan Bush People Fan FicsWhere stories live. Discover now