The Surprise

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For the first time in the six months you had been married, you and Matt would be spending the night away from each other. It wasn't your choice, but there was a stubborn baby who was taking her time being born on a nearby island. And as the only mid-wife in the area, you knew you had to stay until the little girl was ready to face the world. Before Matt sailed back toward Browntown without you at the end of that first day, he had held your face in his hands and kissed your lips and promised to return in two days.

"I'm bringing Gabey with me and some clothes for both of us so if we have to stay longer we can. He can take the skiff back to Browntown."

You tried not to cry but you were already missing his smile and his eyes and his body pressed close to yours. The six months had blown by like a breeze and you still felt like newlyweds.
"I'm sorry." Your eyes were filling with tears but Matt was already shaking his head.

"Don't be sorry. You take care of this baby and I'll be back before you know it." He smiled but his blue eyes were shining, too.

"What will you do while I'm gone?"

You knew Matt had so much energy and without a little help from you to focus, he would wind up doing nothing or trying to do everything. That's part of the reason you hadn't decided to have children right away. Matt was an amazing man and you loved everything about him, but he was a bit like a child in some ways and you weren't sure he was ready yet.

"Haha!" He laughed loudly and his smile shot straight into your heart. "I'll think of something to do. Maybe I'll have a little surprise for when you get back home."

You nodded and blinked back the tears and pushed Matt toward the skiff.
"Go. And get back here fast."

Matt couldn't decide what to do first. It was only the first day without you and there was so much he wanted to do before he went to pick you up the next day. But he was so lonely and he missed you so much he could barely think.

"Just do something." He mumbled to himself and scratched at his curly hair. It was freshly washed and the graying curls blew lightly around his head like silvery halo.

Standing in the middle of the floor of the tire house, Matt swung around, pointing his finger at various half-finished projects.
"I could finish the walls..." He frowned. "But I'm out of lumber."

He swung around again and faced the half-open door.
"I could fix that door so it stays closed by itself and doesn't pop open in the middle of the night."
Matt grinned remembering the first night that had happened and how loud you had screamed when it banged back against the wall. He rubbed a finger along the small scars on his arm where you had clutched him so tight your nails had dug into his skin.

"I sure do miss that wild woman." He said out loud to the empty room.

By the time he had bounced to the far end of the room and grabbed up his box of tools, Matt had a different idea.

"She really wanted me to make a table for the side of the bed. I could get that done in a couple of hours." He threw down the tools and reached for his axe.

"Yeah...No. It's raining again and it's so hard to work with wet wood."

The ideas raced through Matt's brain like fire through the treetops. He trotted from one end of the room to the other, his blue eyes scanning every possible project. By the time he finally decided on a project that he knew he could finish in time, it was late into the night and he was so tired he could barely stand.

His eyelids began to droop as he sat on the floor putting the last touches on his surprise for you, but he pushed himself to stay awake and finish. But soon, even the excitement of seeing your face when he went to pick you up the next day wasn't enough to keep exhaustion away. Matt rolled over onto his side on the flat blue carpet and stretching his arm out to support his head, he slept.

The morning sun slanted through the round window and Matt blinked his eyes and squinted against the brightness. He groaned as he lay on the hard floor and his body felt stiff and heavy. He closed his eyes for a moment, imagining your face and your smile and the soft smell of your skin. His body began to stir as he remembered your eager hands sliding over his chest as you pressed your breasts and stomach against his back. It was his second favorite position. The sensation of having you close to him was so strong that Matt could almost smell the flowery scent of your hair and feel your warm breath against his neck. It felt so real he almost groaned with desire for you.

"Good morning, sweetheart." You whispered quietly from where you lay behind Matt.

You thought Matt would jump up and yell or at least swing around and look at you. But all you heard was a hitch in his throat as he choked back his tears and a long, deep sigh as he pulled your arm closer to him. When he pushed his bottom closer to your hips, you let your hand slide down and gently press against his rising bulge as you rolled away.

"Welcome home." Matt rolled over to face you and pulled you back to him, his desire for you rising by the second.

"I do feel welcome." You smiled.
"How did you get back?"
"Baby Brianna popped out last night so the grateful papa brought me back this morning."

Matt squeezed you to him and let his cheek rest against yours for a few moments. He wanted to feel your body against his for a little while longer.

"I have a surprise for you." Matt suddenly grinned and reached behind him for something.
"Just one?" You joked as you bumped your hips against his.

"Ok. Two. But this one first." He replied with a wide smile and dragged a large, sheet-covered item toward him.

"Now, it's not a hundred percent finished...and you can have me change it if you don't like it..." Matt began to look a little nervous and you pulled his head to you and kissed him hard.

"Did you make it for me?" You asked.
"Well, for us." He said hesitantly.
"Then I will love it. Give it!" You reached out and yanked the sheet off of your surprise.

It wasn't what you had expected but as you looked at the small handmade baby bed, you realized it was exactly what you wanted. Unable to find the right words, all you could do was give your husband a silly 'thumbs up' and a smile. When Matt saw your smile he kissed you long and deep and your heart reminded you of why you loved him.

And it reminded you of why you always felt he would make a wonderful father. Of all the things that he could have done and all the repairs he could have made, he chose to spend his time planning for your future and your family. And you knew you were ready for children with him. You were so ready you wanted to start working on it immediately.

"Did you sleep well here on the floor?" You asked with a half-smile and a tilt of your head.

"Not really." Matt recognized the look in your eye and was already pulling you up off the floor.

"I should probably let you get into bed and get some quality sleep, shouldn't I?" You teased.

"I'll get into bed." He said with his hands traveling over your waist and hips. "But you're coming with me." He swung you around and pressed you down on the soft mattress; his lips almost on yours.

"And now you get your second surprise. "He whispered and you felt the heat rushing through you. "We'll get some quality sleep later."

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