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Every time you looked up, Matt was watching you. Between the staring and the smiling, neither one of you was getting any work done.
"Matt, honey, stop it." You lowered your head back to your worktable and smiled in spite of yourself.
"I can't keep my eyes off of you, little girl." He grinned and laughed loudly. He seemed not to care that the metal swan he was attempting to create from on old fork was taking on the appearance of a deranged vulture.

"You really need to pay attention to what you're doing." You chided him playfully, pointing your small craft hammer at his odd creation.
Matt looked down at his mangled bird figurine and laughed loudly. "I think this bird's dead. I'll just put it out of its misery." He tossed the battered fork onto the table and moved to stand behind you.

His arms immediately wrapped around your neck and his lips were on your ear before you could even react. There never was much time to react with Matt. He talked fast and he moved fast. His hands slipped steadily down the front of your shirt, pulling open the first two buttons before you could slap his hand away.

"Matt, we don't have time for that. We need to get done here and get on our way." His loud groan was comical and he made one final push toward your left breast before you giggled and moved his hand away.

Matt was finally taking you to meet his family in Brown Town. It had been two months since you met Matt at the art supply store in town. You were both shopping for supplies for your crafts when you literally bumped into each other. All of your carefully chosen metal working tools crashed to the floor with a loud clatter. As Matt helped you to recover all of your fallen items, your green eyes had met his blue eyes and you have been inseparable ever since.

As you had shyly peered up at him, it was clear immediately that Matt was much older than you. But both of you were thrown for a loop when you realized the age difference was over ten years. Your first thought when Matt had said he was thirty-three years old was that he looked amazingly young for his age. When you admitted that you had just turned twenty-two, Matt had frowned just slightly, but his usual grin had quickly reappeared and so you thought no more about it.

The two of you had so much in common with your artistic talent and many of your dates were spent sitting side by side working. You would be creating the small metal letters and numbers that would be used to make your steampunk signs, while Matt worked on his small metal animals and his beautiful drawings. You were so compatible that the age difference didn't seem to matter at all.

"Why don't you help me pack up my things and we can head out now." You were speaking to Matt but he was only half listening to you. Although he had given up trying to slip his hand inside your shirt he was now sliding his hands back and forth on your hips. He never stopped. You smiled at your crazy affectionate man and wiggled your way out of his grip.

"Here." You thrust an empty supply box into his hands. "Once you get all my finished projects packed away, you can start packing the works in progress." With his hands full, you felt safe enough to give him a lingering kiss on the lips.
"You don't play fair, little girl." Matt pouted.
"Who said I was playing?" You kissed him again.

Your first impression of Brown Town was that it was much more built up than you had expected. Matt's descriptions of his family's homestead lead you to believe it was simply a small compound of one or two buildings. But there were several buildings other than the main cabin, one of which Matt explained, was his small cabin where the two of you would be staying. Stepping up to the door of the main cabin where you would meet his family, Matt suddenly stopped and turned to you.

"Oh, by the way?" He leaned in to kiss you gently on the cheek. "I didn't mention to my family how old you are. I wasn't sure how they would take it so..."

He left the sentence hanging as you stared at him in complete shock. You had thought the age difference was a non-issue. Did Matt think you were too young for him, or did he think he was too old for you? Either way, you were hurt and disappointed that Matt waited until now to let you know his concerns. Maybe your relationship wasn't all you thought it was. Angry, you clamped your lips shut and said nothing and frankly, you weren't really sure what you would say. Matt, not recognizing the change in your demeanor, grabbed your hand and pulled you into the warm room of the cabin.

Matt's family all cheered as the two of you walked into the room. He made introductions all around and you found yourself genuinely comfortable with the whole family. You knew that you and Matt would still need to talk about your relationship and his feelings about your age, but you now thought that could wait for another time. But then everything changed.

"So," His mother Ami began gently. "How old are you, if I may be so bold as to ask." The room fell silent as everyone stopped talking to hear your response. Your face blushed red from embarrassment and irritation. You felt as if Matt had set you up and as much as you cared for him, you were really upset that you didn't have time to talk this through with him beforehand.

"I'm twenty-two." You met his mother's eye and spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear.
"Oh." Ami looked quickly at Matt and then over to Matt's dad Billy. You felt hot tears of resentment prick your eyes and your heart was breaking that the difference in your ages seemed to suddenly be the only thing that mattered.

Your mind began to whirl, thinking of how you could leave the island tonight. This was so ridiculous and you simply couldn't understand how things went so badly so fast. You looked over at Matt and pleaded with your eyes for him to come to your rescue. He looked back at you, confused and unsure what to do or what to say. Your heart in tatters, you cleared your throat and started to stand up, ready to make whatever excuse you had to just to get away as fast as you could.

But before you could fully stand, you felt Matt's hand closing over yours on the large wooden table. Turning your head quickly to face him, you saw his big smile and your heart began to pound in your chest.

"Mom, Dad." He addressed his parents and the whole room. "Yes, she's about ten years younger than me. That doesn't matter to me."

He turned to you and in front of his parents and siblings, he brought his face close to yours and spoke only to you. "Not anymore." He confessed. "Until this moment, I thought our age difference mattered. But when I saw you ready to walk away from me?" He shook his head and as the light struck his blue eyes, you saw the tears he tried to keep from falling.

"I can't live without you." Matt pressed his forehead to yours. "Please stay, little girl."

You couldn't look away from him and you didn't care that his family was still sitting silent, listening to everything you said. Your hand went to his cheek and stroked his face.
"I'm not a little girl." You whispered. You needed him to know that you were a woman and if this relationship were to work, he had to know that you wouldn't be his child, you would be his woman.

Matt's grin spread a heat through you that made your face burn. He took your hand and without a word, he stood up from the table and began to lead you out of the main cabin away from his family. Just as he reached the door, he stopped and cupped your face in his hands.

"I know you're not a girl." His lips pressed onto yours. "You are definitely a woman. And if you'll have me, I want you to be my woman." Matt wrapped his arms around your waist as you nodded your head.

"Your woman." You smiled. "I like the sound of that."

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