Moon Glow. Part 2

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Matt walked with you through the Nugget Mall in Juneau and carried your bags as you ran through the stores, quickly gathering what you needed from the GNC and Office Max.

You were moving as fast as you could because after saying yes to a date with him, Matt sprung the news on you that the special place he wanted to take you was a small island about an hour's boat ride from Hoonah.

"That's over three hours away, even if we could get a ferry right this second." You had protested.
"Our boat is docked right up there at the harbor and we can leave now if you want." Matt said like it was the most natural thing in the world to hop on a boat and sail away with a man you just met.

"You'd never get me back home before evening, Matt." You frowned but there was too much smile in your frown and Matt saw right through your argument.
"You can stay with us. My mom and my sisters would take care of you and I'd take you back to Hoonah tomorrow."

"And then I can just hop on the ferry and sail two hours back home by myself?" Your eyebrows shot up at his suggestion.
"I'd travel back with you the whole way." He said seriously. Your heart soared at his earnest expression.

"What's wrong with you that you would do all that for a date?" You meant that as a joke but Matt's grin disappeared and your heart plummeted to your stomach. "Matt, no, I'm sorry." Your hands went to his shoulders and you gave him a tiny shake. "We've been joking around since we met. I didn't mean – "

"It's OK. " His smile came back but smaller than usual. "You're just really great and I'm afraid if I let you go now, you'll find some reason to bail on me."

You knew he was talking about the age difference again. After shutting down your fears about the ten year age difference between you, the subject had come up a couple more times before you could finally pretend you had let it go. And you hoped at some point you could let it go for real. Matt was crazy and youthful and acted much younger than his thirty-three years. That made the gap between your ages seem even wider. But he was so sharp and intelligent. When he stopped joking around, he spoke with a depth of understanding surprising for a man his age. And oh, did you forget he was absolutely gorgeous and killer sexy?

By this time you had made it through the mall and were standing with him outside near the main entrance. And there was nothing boyish about him when he placed a firm hand low on your hip and pressed himself to you. He pushed you back gently until you felt the roughness of the brick-covered column against your shoulders. His smiling face was so close to yours and you could see the sunlight shining on the silver in his hair. He was determined to kiss you. He had been trying for the past half hour and you had put him off each time.

"Matt, someone might see us." Your laugh excited him and he slid you around to the far side of the column. "Ow!!" You laughed again as your butt scraped against the cold brick.

"Kiss me and it will be all over with." He laughed loudly and you laughed with him.
"Sounds like you're planning to kill me when you're done with me."

"Nah. You're too much fun to get rid of right away." He joked and slid his hand maddeningly up your hip.
"Matt, stop! People can see us." The last thing you wanted him to do was stop.
"Then kiss me and get it over with and I'll stop." He whispered huskily in your ear and the sensation shot tingles all the way to your toes.

"Get a room, Matt." A deep voice boomed from behind you.

"Shut up Bam." Matt growled at the man. Turning back to you, he said quickly, "That's my brother Bam. Ignore him."
"We need to get going, man." Bam said more softly and turned his back, giving you a moment.

"Come with me." Matt said quietly and traced a finger along the fine lines at the side of your mouth. He could have no idea how uncomfortable that gesture made you. You had never cared about your lines or the stray gray hairs that now accented your dark hair. But the way he stroked your skin with his finger, you knew he didn't see it the same way you did. When you smiled at Matt, you knew the small laugh lines would get bigger. But you smiled anyway and saw Matt's smile get bigger.
"Yes." You whispered.

Hopping out of the silver skiff that carried you from the Integrity to the beach, you let Matt take you by the hand and help you out.

"Watch your step." He said happily as he tugged you too hard and you flew the last eight inches out of the skiff directly into his arms.
"Smooth." You glanced around. Seeing his brother Bam had moved ahead and wasn't looking in your direction you slid your arms around his neck and smiled into his face.

"You liked that, huh?" He grinned.
"Very much."  You nodded.

It didn't take long for Matt to haul out the small blanket and toss it on a dry patch of the beach. Positioning his rifle close to his hand, "In case of bears" was all he would say, Matt lay back on the blanket and held out his arm for you to join him. The moon was brilliant. The glow from the full sphere shone off the water and off of Matt's smiling face.

"Isn't it the most peaceful place in the world?" He said as he stared up into the moonlit sky.
"It is." You didn't have any other words to say.

Glancing at the side of his face as he looked up, you wanted to tell him how you felt. There was so much you wanted to say. Just because he was younger than you didn't mean he was too young. But your mind wrestled with so many thoughts. Did he want the same things you wanted, or was he just looking for a good time and nothing more? Could he understand that you didn't want to just play around and have fun. You had done all that and now you were looking for something else. Something more.

"Age is just a number." Matt suddenly spoke and reached for your hand.
"I know." You nodded and watched as the moon glow made his eyes sparkle like diamonds.
"It's just a number." He repeated and leaned over and pressed his lips to yours.

And when you closed your eyes, all your doubts disappeared and the weightless differences between you took wing and flew away.

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