The Hunger Coma

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Black. That was all that he could see or not see for that matter. He could hear voices like "Will he be ok?" Wait, that sounded like McKenna.

"I'm not sure, Mr Liss is in a deep coma. We'll try our best to watch his vitals." Said a voice he didn't recognize.

'What's going on?' Ostin thought

"Can he hear us?" Someone who sounded like Michael said.

Ostin wanted so desperately to say 'yes' but his voice wasn't working.

"I don't know." Said the unfamiliar voice that Ostin assumed was a doctor of some kind.

"Well thanks Dr. Micah." Taylor? Said.

"Hey buddy, if you can hear us you probably are wondering what is going on. Well, you're in a hospital because during our mission you got shot in the shoulder then didn't wake up. By the way it is my fault you got shot I should've moved that bullet." Michael blamed, trying to make sense of what happened.

"It is not! Now instead of blaming yourself let's just make sure Ostin is ok." McKenna said.

"Yes ma'am." Michael chuckled

"The rest of the Electroclan is at the hotel. Just in case you were wondering." Taylor added.

"I'm hungry." McKenna said.

'That's why I love her.' Ostin thought dreamily

"We just ate." Taylor stated

"Worrying makes me hungry!" McKenna said snapping

'Yes! Food. I gotta wake up.' Ostin excitedly thought

"Ok, Michael lets go to the pizza place around the corner." Taylor said surprised at McKenna's outburst

As they were leaving Taylor said "I see why Ostin loves her. They share a common love of food." They laughed

"Ostin, please come back. I don't know what I'd do without you." McKenna said tearing up. "Please."

'I'm trying!' Ostin thought frustrated

McKenna held his hand.

They were cold.

McKenna looked around. And warmed up his hands.

'Oh, that's nice.' He thought

"I love you." McKenna said for the first time

'What! She does? I love you too. I got to actually tell her.' He thought

McKenna went up and kissed him.

Ostin mentally slapped himself awake.

"I love you too!" Ostin screamed sitting upright

"Agh!" McKenna yelled.

"Oh, sorry."

McKenna tackled him in a hug.

"I thought I lost you."

"You can't get rid of me that easily." Ostin smiled

McKenna sat next to him it the bed.

Just then Michael and Taylor walked in.

"Ostin! Did the smell of pizza wake you?" Michael asked laughing

"Nope, sometimes it takes more than food." Ostin smiled at McKenna.

"Well, let's eat anyway." Taylor said

Dr. Micah walked in. "You're awake!"

"Yep." Ostin said grabbing a piece of pizza

"Sorry Mr. Liss you can't have that." The doc said

"Sorry man but I'm hungry." Ostin said shoving a piece in his mouth.

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