Chapter Forty-Nine

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  • Dedicated to AllMyFans!

I wince as I get out of Evan’s car. He’s holding me by my waist.

“You should have waited for me to help you out,” he grumbles at me as I lean into his chest, the soreness of my abdomen making it hard to bend out of a car. I hide my smile as I inhale his fresh scent glad and grateful for him.

“I’m not an invalid,” I smirk as he holds me against the car and shuts the door. We stand there for a moment and he rubs lightly up and down my arms letting me catch my bearings.

“It’s good to have you home finally,” he says leaning his forehead against mine and kisses the top of my nose.

My split lip is still there but the swelling has gone down making my smiles appear lopsided – much to everyone’s entertainment. The bandage on my cheek has been replaced with butterfly bandages. My stomach, wrists and ankles are still heavily bandaged but healing nicely.

Evan did as he promised and went home Saturday night to rest. He came back early in the morning while I was still asleep and Eddie has his turn to go home. Being that it is now Monday he had to go back to work so it was just Evan and me my last night in the hospital.

Even with the aches and soreness I was thoroughly annoyed that Stacy didn’t tell me right away about her engagement. It was hard to be mad at her because of how ecstatic I am. I have been waiting for them to get engaged so we can plan her wedding together.

“Let’s get you inside…someone has missed you.”

My eyes widen and I smile. “Boxer my poor baby,” I said.

“He’s been fine all the people coming and going has kept him entertained.”

“I bet.”

Evan gets my bag from the trunk. All my out-patient supplies and instructions and my personal things Stacy brought me. Putting the bags over his shoulder he practically picks me up by the waist.

“I can walk you dear,” I giggle.

“I know,” he smirks at me. “I just like holding you close,” he nestles his nose into my hair playfully. I smile up at him again and let him lead me to my apartment.

Boxer is already barking on the other side of the door as if he knows mom is home. Soon as I step through, he begins to follow me around as I slowly shuffle inside nipping and sniffing at my feet. I must smell like hospital and he has to check it all out.

“What time are Stacy and Kenneth coming back?”

“After work, I guess Eddie cracked down on getting back to work.”

“Sounds about right,” I say quietly.

I’m sure he was sick of seeing all the affection between Evan and me, but I didn’t say anything. I think Evan enjoyed rubbing it in his face.

I sat down slowly sinking into my couch. Relieved, I let out a sigh – it felt good to be home. Evan put my things in my room and comes back out just as Boxer is getting overly excited and jumps up onto my stomach making me grunt in pain.

“Boxer,” Evan says sternly. “Be careful,” his voice gentler with the second line.

To my very great surprise Boxer climbs down and sits quietly waiting for me to pet him. I look up at Evan expectantly.

He shrugs. “While you were in the hospital with the police and that detective coming and going as well as Stacy, Ken and Eddie in and out he’s learned that tone from all of us and it means to calm down.”

Boxer looks back and forth between us as if asking for permission.

“I guess I have spoiled him too much,” I laugh.

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