Chapter Three

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The work week kept me on my toes and my mind off of my therapy issue. Stacy had given me the file on the new clients, but I haven’t had a moment to look over it at all yet.

This Cooper and Terry designs have been difficult, more so Cooper than Terry. I couldn’t figure out this one kink in the design. The client has been insufferable with the direction we want to go with the website, color, logo etc. I make one for them and it’s too blue, or it’s not square enough, or the font is not right it was quite annoying. But, at least, it kept me busy.

Scheduling my next therapy appointment hovered in the back of my mind. I tried to ignore it. Every time I thought of therapy his face popped into my vision. His lips, that rippling muscular chest, even the way he breathed or wrote his notes down with those strong hands always replayed in my mind.

Today is Friday and I sat at my desk, munching on my chicken club salad for lunch while I worked on the design. I liked to have something to eat when I concentrated this hard. Stacy said my brow furrowed into what looked like a drunken smile when I was in ‘my zone’. Having a snack or my lunch since I tended to chew on the inside of my cheek helped.

I was a good web designer and Stacy was the head of client relations. She found them and brought them in. Not just for me but others within the company too. She had a knack for knowing what kind of designer would work best for our clients.

Right now I only had the Cooper and Terry accounts I designed for. Cooper is a small business in accounting and Terry needed a new website for their charity program they were launching. Cooper was the anal and detailed client. It would not usually take me this long to create and present to the clients and their partners if it wasn’t for that fact.

Which is why I am surprised Stacy is bringing in a third account for me. I usually had three or four, but this latest has been time consuming, so I had told her to hold off on a new account for a week or two.

When Stacy saw a potential client and gets her ‘vision twitch’ as she calls her instinct for the business, there is no stopping her. The boss doesn’t mind because we get the work done and well, plus it brings in revenue. I rather do my job right than quick. We made decent income, enough to keep me comfortable.

Feeling completely engrossed in my work, I didn’t notice when my office door opened and Stacy strolled in. She is typically a playful person so it didn’t surprise me when I jumped from her leaning over my desk to say ‘BOO’ in my face.

“Damn it Stacy,” I griped, dropping my fork with the bite of salad on it into my lap. She giggled thoroughly amused as she plopped down in the chair in front of my desk. I watched as she pulled out her own lunch, a French dip with au jus.

“I thought you were on a diet.”

“I am, but been craving a French dip like crazy,” she said ogling her sandwich as if it were the best prize she could have hoped for. In a way I guess it was. I picked the salad out of my lap and continued to eat as I clicked away in my web design program.

“Always working,” Stacy comments.

“Trying to keep busy, you know how this Cooper guy gets,” I smirked without looking at her.

“What is it now?”

“The tab links are not shaped right, they are too…oval.”

“So square?”

“No and doesn’t want them too circular either, well what the hell do I do then,” I shook my head rolling my eyes. It was a rhetorical question not literal.

Stacy suddenly bursts out in laughter. “He looks like a cross between the hunchback of Notre Dame and Ursula from the little mermaid and they had a baby.”

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