Chapter Twenty-Four

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Quick Note: I will REALLY want to know what you all think after this chapter. By the way!! I have my interview news if you haven't seen the links on my profile page I will post them here. It is my first interview as an author ever!! I am super excited about it and it has only gone live for a day or two. My interviewer is so awesome and this chapter is dedicated to him! I could not be more grateful for him and will always be a special person in my life! Though we just met a few weeks ago hahaha! Check out his Robin Hood book to its a very interesting twist to the mythology. =) You can also just click the external link on the right hand side under the cover to open a new window with the link to my first interview!

Interview Link:



You know, I could really smack Stacy for what she did last week, but I am grateful for it.

I shook my head smiling as I worked on my computer. It has improved my days, made them go by faster.

It must have looked so awkward. We were working in my office last week and the little devil that Stacy is somehow lifted my phone from right under my nose – the thief.

I didn’t even notice until I heard my own text message alert and couldn’t find it. By the time I got it out of her hands she had done the deed.

Stacy had been texting Evan as me; essentially giving me his number and he mine. I didn’t want him to know that Stacy had played a game on both of us while I was still working with her so the message I sent him that was actually me felt awfully awkward. There was no way after that I could call him while she still was around in my office to explain.

I phoned him later after work letting him know the number really is me. I explained to him what Stacy had done. Evan was amused by it. Certainly was an interesting way to exchange phone numbers. I hadn’t asked before or looked for his, though I could have, because I wasn’t sure where any of this was going. I still wasn’t sure.

But it has been fun texting back and forth this week. The flirtatious texts made the monotonous office work more entertaining. The beta testers had pieced together all that we had worked on and I would be done with Cooper and Terry’s accounts next week. Week three of this long wait for Evan and me to move on to whatever comes next.

So far this week I’ve only seen him in therapy. I finally began talking seriously in therapy about my fears with Jerry’s release. Evan took it seriously and we kept the flirting to a minimum. It was pleasant to see his actual concern as well as his clinical analysis.

I felt better about being able to deal with Jerry’s upcoming release from jail and also knew that somehow, someway, Evan would be there for me and keep me safe. I am beginning to feel at peace with everything that has happened and not so worked up and tense about my ex.

The peace of mind has made other things easier to figure out, like proof about Suzanne deleting my work on my computer. I found out that the security team had been recording the surveillance cameras even during the party. Stacy actually is doing me that favor since she knows one of the security people better than I do. Maybe they will find something, though I’m not sure how if there were any angles on my office.

Of course it might show Eddie and Evan both coming into my office as well, which worried me, but that wouldn’t look like much while I was in there, I suppose. I wish I would have thought of that earlier before I gave Stacy the go ahead to find anything she could, but when I mentioned to her about how I need proof she thought of the idea.

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