Chapter Twenty-Six

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Quick Note: Sonja's dinner party outfit is to the right!

There is a little treasure hunt for you all in this chapter!!

Kyle's house number refers to something about myself that only those who are participating can figure out or who know me, but that is cheating so shooshy hehe.

The first person to private message me with the answer gets the prize of the next chapter dedication which is very important and a turning point chapter in the book. The next twenty people who private message me the answer get an exclusive sneak peek just for them of the next chapter before anyone else.

After you have read the chapter write the numbers down that are in bold in the chapter and go to my author page like it and click the about me section looking at the 'Basic Info' area to see the clue! You can find my author page on my profile or by clicking the external link button on this chapter also to the right or just type the link into your browser!

If this book were complete and published I would do this for you all and give you a free copy of the book hehe.



Stacy and I watched from her office, giggling as we ate our lunch – well pretended to eat our lunch. Her office was closer to Eddie’s so we could get a better view of his reactions. The laughter could not be helped for the most part.

“Oh damn,” Stacy exclaimed as we watched Brandy exchange a few words with Eddie that we couldn’t hear, but the exasperated look on Eddie’s face when she tapped his hip with hers when she left – priceless.

“He doesn’t have a clue,” I said through a fit of giggles.

“No hahaha and Suzanne is watching like a hawk.”

“Good,” I actually tried to take a bite of my teriyaki chicken.

Eddie continued with his rounds just as Jeff our resident gay fabulous web designer walked up to him. Stacy and I held our breath.

We tried to watch inconspicuously as he said something to Eddie and then actually pinched his ass! If he could have, Eddie would have jumped to hold on to the ceiling. Both Stacy and I turned away from her office window roaring with laughter.

“Oh you are diabolical Stacy,” I barely could get the words out through the giggles.

“He’s got to have figured out something is going on since this has escalated all week,” she says trying to chew, talk and laugh all at once.

“I’m sure he does. I wonder if he’ll report them for sexual harassment though.”

“Oh five employees that just started flirting with him constantly in one week, nah, he’s probably afraid it is some plot,” Stacy said waving my concern off. Of course it was a plot, but one I doubted he would figure out since he does like the attention, but all week he’s gotten gradually curious about the reasons behind it.

“I’m glad Evan asked me to not participate, Eddie would be more suspicious if I had.”

“Evan just doesn’t like the guy and wants him away from you as much as possible,” Stacy looked at me. “See you can’t even stop smiling just hearing his name.”

“Shut up,” I said, but could not clear my face and we burst into another fit of giggles.

The knock on her door made both of us turn to look up.

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