Double Trouble 2- Part 63

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*The Wedding*

'I do.' Ian smiled at me as he said his vows.

'And do you Sarah Twiller take Ian to be your lawful wedded husband?' The priest asked.

I had butterflies in my stomach and I felt so nervous. My throat went so dry. I stared at the priest and he raised his eyebrow. Then I moved my face to Ian. He smiled at me but I frowned back at him.

'Do you take Ian to be your lawful wedded husband?' The priest repeated himself.

I took a deep breath and muttered, 'I... I..'

I couldn't say it! The words wouldn't come out.

'Sarah. I know you don't want to marry me, so GO TO ASHLEY!' Ian shouted interupting me.

'What? No! It's ok.' I muttered.

He held my hands and smiled at me.

'If you really do love me. Look at me straight in the eyes and say you love me.'

I frowned at him. I didn't reply. There was an awkward silence and the audience gasped at our conversation.

'There's my answer! Now go to Ashley before he leaves!'

'What?! What do you mean leave?!'

'Did he not tell you? He's moving to Canada. He's going at 4:15pm.'

'What time is it?!' I asked.

He looked at his watch and said, '4:05.'

'Oh gosh! No!! He can't leave!!!!!' I shouted.

I felt a tear drop down to my cheek. Ian grabbed my hand and we ran outside. He shouted to the audience, 'The wedding is cancelled.'

We ran to Ian's car and we drove off...

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