Double Trouble 2- Part 23

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I sat on the sofa comfortably with my feet up, reading a magazine. Well.. Actually I was PRETENDING to read it. Ashley was on the phone to Sophie. I listened carefully to their conversation and I heard that Sophie is coming for dinner tonight! I frowned as I heard that they were laughing about something. I coughed loudly to annoy them. Ashley turned around to look at me and I pretended to keep reading the magazine. He looked so happy. When he finished talking on the phone he turned around to face me and stared at me reading the magazine. 'Sophie's coming round for dinner tonight.' He quietly said. I turned my face at him and got up from the sofa. I walked up to him and shouted, 'Why are you telling me this? I don't care! You have fun with your little girlfriend!' I slammed the magazine to his chest and ran off to my room. Jeez! He is so annoying! It's like he didn't even care that he lied to me! Its like our memories together were all just a big act and a lie! I don't know what to do!

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