Double Trouble 2- Part 25

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I placed my sandwich on the table and I also prepared Ashley a sandwich to eat for lunch. I thought I'd be nice to make up with what I did last night. I ate my lunch peacefully when I suddenly heard a door slam. It sounded like it was the front door and someone had left the house. I knew it was Ashley (well because there's only two of us in the house) so I quickly grabbed the sandwich on the plate and ran outside still in my pyjamas. I saw Ashley from a distance and ran after him looking like an idiot! I still had my pyjamas on and I was running down the street with a plate on my hand and shouting 'Ashley.' He turned around to face me and laughed so loudly. 'You're beautiful!' He sarcastically laughed. 'Shut the fuck up!... Where the hell are you going? I prepared you a sandwich.' I angrily said. 'I'm going out for lunch with Sophie.' He explained. I frowned. 'What time will you be back?' I asked. 'Probably 7pm.' He said. I nodded my head. 'Do you still want your sandwich?' He shook his head and walked off. 'Sophie again?! Hmmmppff!!' I walked back to the house. 'I don't see what he sees in that bitch!' I said to myself. 'If he's going to play hard then I will too!' I smiled to myself at the thought...

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