Double Trouble 2- Part 52

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I stared at Dad. He looked awful than he did yesterday. He was so pale and his lips were so dry. I felt a tear run down my face as I stared at him. I can't help think what will happen when he leaves me. I couldn't live without a mum and now a Dad?! Please tell me it can't happen!! I drank a glass of water to clear my throat and wiped the tears of my eyes. Ashley walked in to the room.

'Are you ok, Sarah?' He asked giving me a hug.

'Yeah I'm fine. Dad's really pale. He looks awful.'

'Don't worry Sarah, everything is going to be fine! You're Dad will get better, I'll make sure of that!' He smiled.

I smiled back at him and stared at Dad. He slowly opened his eyes and me and Ashley quickly walked up to him.

'Dad! Are you ok?' I cried.

He slowly nodded his head. I saw a tear roll down from his cheek.

'If I don't survive this day, ple-'

'Dad! Don't say that!!!' I interrupted him.

'Ju.. Just listen to me!' He whispered.

I nodded my head.

'If I don't.. survive.. this day, will you guys keep your promises. And promise me you will do them.'

Ashley and I nodded our heads. I felt tears continuously pour from my eyes. Ashley and I both hugged Dad with tears in our eyes. Dad moved his hand and took Ashley's hand and placed it on top of mine. He smiled. Ashley and I smiled trying not to think of the negatives. After a few minutes later, Dad's hand dropped.

'Dad!!' I screamed.

He was not breathing. I'm sure wherever he is, he's somewhere in heaven. I'll keep that promise, Dad. Maybe not now but soon in the future...

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