Double Trouble 2- Part 4

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*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring* I quickly picked up the phone. 'Hello?' 'Hey Sarah, it's me Abbie. I was just wondering if you want to come over for dinner tonight?' Abbie asked. 'Erm.. I can't...' I said. 'Please, Sarah!' She said. I rolled my eyes and said, 'Ok.' 'Great! Come at 7pm?' She asked. 'Yeah, Okay.' I quietly said. She put the phone down and I slowly put it down too. This was my chance to make Ian fall in love with me! I have to be beautiful for this dinner! It was around 5:45pm. I quickly took a quick shower and wore this nice sophisticated dress. It showed off my curves. I didn't want to wear something over the top just in case they think that I was trying to hard and that I was looking for attention but I made sure that I was beautiful. I curled my hair and put some make-up on. I was done. I stared at myself in the mirror and admired myself. 'Girl, you look so hot!' Ashley smiled at me. 'You really think so? Have I gone over the top?' I asked. He shook his head. 'You look simple! Simple is good sometimes!' I smiled at him and gave him a hug. I got into my car and drove off to their house. I knocked on the door and Ian answered it. 'Hey!' He said. I walked in and handed him a bottle of wine. 'You look so beautiful.' He whispered. I smiled at him and he led me to the dining room. 'Please sit!' He said. I sat down. It was just us two because Abbie was still preparing the dinner. It was really awkward but he kept looking at me. It was just like the old days. I blushed as he looked at me. When the food came we all ate. It was so awkward because Abbie kept asking me questions about my life, 'So how's your love life, Sarah?!' I stared at Ian and faked a smile at Abbie. 'It's good thanks. I met this guy called... Ashley... and erm.. yeah he's really nice.' I said trying to play it smooth. 'How about you guys? Any children on the way?' I asked. Abbie held Ian's hand and she responded, 'We hope so.' Ian choked on his food. I couldn't help but laugh. It was around 9:47pm when we finished having dinner. I walked to my car and Ian followed me. 'Thanks for the dinner! It was great!' I smiled at him. 'You have a great family, Ian. I'm happy for you!' 'Sarah, are you happy?' He asked. There was silence and I said, 'Yeah! I'm so happy with my life! I have my dream job and I have my boyfriend looking after me and not giving me any headaches from girls wanting to be with him.' I said trying to make another point. 'Ok..' He kissed me on the cheek. I felt his soft lips touch my face and I could feel his minty, soft breath breathing into my face. I smiled at him again and I walked into my car. I drove off.

Double Trouble 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant