Double Trouble 2- Part 55

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I walked in to the hospital. I waited for a few minutes until my name was called out. I nervously followed the doctor in to the room. She was very kind. She smiled at me as I sat down on the chair next to her.

'Mrs Taylor, what can I do for you?' She asked while smiling at me.

'I think.. I think th..that I'm preg.. pregnant but I.. I just want to check if I'm right.' I stuttered.

'Ok. What signs of preganancy have been happening to you?'

'I've been having morning sickness and I'm pretty sure it's got nothing to do with what I ate. It's been happening for a few days now and I'm also late on my period.' 

'Ok.' She smiled.

She handed me this small, plastic cup and said, 'Will you go to the toilet and pee in it, please and we'll do the pregnancy test.' She smiled.

I grabbed the cup and made my way to the toilet.

*A few minutes later*

'Congratulations, Mrs Taylor! You are two weeks and one day pregnant.'

My heart stopped beating. I really was pregnant. I was so shocked but I kind of knew I was. She smiled at me and I faked a smile back.

'Thank-you doctor. I better go.'

'It's Ok. Just make sure you are getting enough nutrients for you and your baby.'

'Ok. Thanks.' I walked off.

I saw my car from a distance and noticed Ian standing next to it. My heart beated rapidly as I walked closer and closer to him. What do I do? Do I tell him that I'm pregnant and he's the Dad?

He said, 'I'm so sorry about your Dad, Sarah.' He frowned.

'It's ok. Thanks for the concern.'

'Why did you go to the hospital? Is something wrong?' He asked.

I sighed and took a deep breath.

I muttered, 'I'm pregnant and you're the Dad.'

His eyes and mouth were open. He was so shocked. 'Oh.. Oh my gosh!' He smiled. 'I'm going to be a Dad!!!' He hugged me tightly. 'So I guess you're divorcing Ashley now then?!'

'What? Why?'

'So we can be a happy family.'

There was an awkward silence.

'If you don't divorce him, I will do something to him that will make you regret that you stayed with him.' He said.

I frowned at him.

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*

I got my phone out of my bag and checked who was ringing. It was Ashley. I answered it.


'Hey Sarah, I was just wondering if you'd like to come for dinner at a restaurant. I'd like to tell you something very important.'

'Yeah sure. Tonight at 8pm. I need to tell you something too.' I said.

'Ok. Bye!'


I hanged up and threw my phone back in my bag. I stared at Ian and said, 'Don't hurt him. I'll tell him tonight.'

I got in my car and drove off...

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