Double Trouble 2- Part 51

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I walked in to Dad's room. It was now around 2:46pm. I saw Dad fast asleep and spotted Ashley sitting down on a chair next to him. He looked worried for some reason and he kept fidgeting with his phone. I walked closer to them. Ashley walked up to me and hugged me tightly.

He said, 'Where the hell have you been?! You didn't come home last night!'

'I.. I know.. Sorry.. I just wanted.. some time to think...' I stuttered.

'How is Dad?' I asked walking up closer to Dad and staring at him.

'He's fine. He was looking for you earlier.'

'Why?' I asked, neating his blanket.

'I don't know.'

'Ok.' I smiled.

'Sarah, If you think what happened was too fa-'

'Ashley, please.. I don't want to talk about it.' I interrupted him.


I stared at Dad as I saw him open his eyes a little. He was awake.

'Dad!' I exclaimed. 'Dad, before you push me away, please.. Just listen to me!' I shouted.

I was waiting for him to push me anyway but he didn't. I turned to face Ashley and gave him a 'Go outside' look. He smiled and walked out the room, closing the room behind him. I turned back to Dad and said, 'Dad, please listen to me. I am so sorry. I only did it because I wanted you to be happy, I didn't mean to hurt you. Please forgive me!' I cried.

There was an awkward silence. He frowned at me then the frown turned into a smile. Then a laugh. I slapped him lightly on the arm.

'Dad! What's so funny?' I asked faking a laugh.

'Honey, it's fine. Grace has explained me everything.' He chuckled.

'Dad!!!' I shouted.

I smiled at him and gave him a long, tight hug. I whispered to his ear, 'I'm so glad we're ok again. I love you, Dad!' I smiled.

'I love you too sweetie.' I walked to a table and poured some orange juice to a glass.

'Here, have a drink, Dad!' I smiled passing the glass to him. He drank it all and passed it back to me.

As I was about to walk off, I stopped because he said, 'Sarah, Are you still in love with Ian?'

'Dad! Don't be so silly.'

'Just answer me truthfully!' He yelled.

'Ok... Ok.. I'll admit it to you. Six months ago, I was still madly in love with him after everything he did to me. But there's this one guy who walked in to my life. He changed everything, but I can't be with him.'

'Who?!' He asked.

'It doesn't matter who this guy is because I can never be with him.'

'Sarah, is this guy Ashley?' He raised his eyebrow.

'Dad! Don't be so si-'

'Answer me!'

'Ok! Yes.'

'So you love him?' He asked.

I nodded my head, 'I love Ashley.'

'Why can't you be with him?!'

'Because he loves someone else. He loves this girl called Sophie.'

'How do you know he likes her? Did he tell you?!'

'Not exactly, but I could tell by the way he looked at her.' I muttered.

'I like him, Sarah. You guys suit each other.'

'Hmm..' I muttered not believing him.

'Promise me one thing Sarah!'


'Promise me, you will tell Ashley how you feel some day, when you're ready.'

'Dad, I can't!'

'Please! He deserves to know.' I sighed and smiled at him.

'I promise, Dad.'

*Dad's P.O.V*

They love each other! Jeez! Why can't they just tell each other for goodness sake! Young love these days, too shy to confront. You know what, I can't be bothered to fix their love for them. I'll leave them to it, they should fix it themselves. If their destined to be together, they will end up together in the end...

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