Chapter 57:Healing

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That night was the longest night of Gustave's entire life.

Though Erik would swear his was longer.

Christine had been in Labor ten hours now, the end nowhere in sight.

Erik back and forth outside the hospital room for what seemed like decades. He tried so hard not to hear the pitiful moans and quiet sobs from within the room but it was impossible to ignore.

With complete exhaustion, he collapsed into the bench and, despite his burdens fell fast asleep.

He awoke to some commotion from down the hallway. He nearly jumped from his seat. How long had he slept?! Where was Christine?! What time was it?! Was all well?!

He watched from his hiding place as Gustave stood by the entryway, looking grave and old.

"Sir there's a man here to see your father, says he's family but he don't look like any of you." The One doctor informed Gustave, "He's throwing quite a fight to get in. Shall I send him off sir?"

"No, let him in." Gustave sighed.

They had moved to the apartment next door just that morning, so Gustave figured it had to be someone trusted. Perhaps Nadir had come at last.

The doctor was about to depart when Gustave grabbed his arm, "How are things looking?"

"I can't say." The doctor sighed, "Odds are even. But that Fred fellow is one heck of a Doctor if I ever saw anyone pull anyone through, to be him."

Gustave grinned and nodded, he was thankful Fred was here.

Gustaves eyes went to his poor Father and then gestured towards the door.

"Should I let him in?"

Erik nodded grimly as the Doctor walked away.

"Gustave!" Autumn yelled just as he was about to open the door, "Gustave whats happened where were you? Is everything alright? I fell asleep-"

Gustave easily got distracted and walked away updating her on the circumstances.

"How is he?!" she cried "What happened?!"

"Babys being stubborn." Gustave said solemnly, "He's going to be fine, we all will be fine."

"He?" Autumn laughed.

Gustave grinned, "I got a feeling."

Erik rolled his eyes as Gustaves voice drew farther and farther away.

He would have to get the door himself. He checked both ways before emerging from the shadows, sneaking to the front door and creaking it open.

A pale-faced, tall gentleman stood in all black, an umbrella held in his right hand and a young child in the other.

"Are you Erik Destler?" Came his eerie demand.

Erik helped him inside and into the secret room. He would had gladly left the stranger outside, but a baby that size needed to be indoors. It was so small, he wasn't even sure it was a baby.

"Yes," Erik nodded. "Who are you?"

The man gave a grave look as if he were debating whether to lie. "My name is John Dechangy. I'm Fred Father. He informed me you would be here."

Erik tensed at the name and nodded hesitantly.

"What do you want?" He spat.

John stared back, his eyes icy and cool were eyeing Erik's mask.

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