Chapter 93: Rooftop

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"My God!" Ilios said sitting up with a start. Her hair was soaked with mud and rain, strands of her bands tangled with the gravel of the rooftop. "David! David! wake up! Must be past 10, it's morning. It's all your fault, falling asleep as you did."

David sat up with a moan and wiped the rain from his face. "You think Your folks will be mad then?"

"Mad?!" She yelped, "I'll be killed!"

"What for getting some peace of mind? For talking with an old friend?" David laughed. "You fell asleep, we both did." 

Ilios had gone up around two and found David waiting for her as he always did. They ahd talked of time passed and soon, as the sky darkened fell asleep one leanging on the other.

"Exactly!" Ilios exclaimed in distress. "Oh my god. I'm too young to die. I haven't even fallen in love yet." 

"You said you loved me! Last year at the carnival-" 

"Shut up David not now!" 

David put his hands up in the air and gave a laugh. "You're an odd one Ilios Destler." 

"I'm dead," Ilios said shaking her head. Fear slowly taking over her eyes. "And you're dead too. Especially if he gets on about finding out who I was with. Oh, my skirt David, I do think it's ruined properly now."

"Am I such a bad thing?" David laughed looking over her tattered mud stained skirt. "Your Father couldn't be too much an unreasonable man..."

Ilios face fell dark with a shadow of fear. "You don't know him like I do David. There's something about him, ever since we were little. If he caught ahold of you, I don't know what he'd do."

"You better hurry then, I'll be back along by the morning. And don't worry about that Peter fellow. I'm sure he'll keep pining after you aplenty. At least as long as my eye is black."

"He's not pining!" Ilios said angrily, "I swear he's not. That's stupid. Silly, stupid ridiculousness." 

She kicked her foot into the gravel in frustration and her shoe flew up and hit his already darkened eye. 

David gave a yelp and recoiled, wincing as the horrified girl raced to his aid trying to comfort him. 

"Get out of here," David roared with laughed, "Get out of here you funny kid." 

"You sure you'll be alright?" She shuddered.

She went on trying desperately to asses the damage to his eye.

"Just fine! Now hurry up! Go on!"

"Thank you, David," She smiled tenderly kissing his cheek, "Thank you for listening."

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and chuckled to himself watching the mud-stained tattered girl race out the door and down the stairs. 

"Ilios Destler," He repeated to himself with a shake of his head, "I tell her she appeals to me and she thinks I've gone mad. Little she knows the little brat." 

She filled the air with smiles, every object with magic and sun. 

"She is quite pleasing to look at," David reasoned with himself lighting a cigar, "I don't suppose I could ever love her more than Joanne. Perhaps more than Nancy. But there is something about her." 

He frowned at a gargoyle that met his eye line. 

"Don't look at me like that," He hissed, "I can't help it that my life is rotten. I do what I have to to get by. Everything got a purpose, it's all been planned. It's made me bitter, and reckless and coarse. And while she might help...Besides I can't spare a penny on her right now. Not without driving myself into the ground." 

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