Chapter 79:Scars

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Clara near screamed before Anabel's swift hand come over her mouth. 

The faint figure of a man made its way across every window, presumably over the fence, and into the backyard. 

"Did you lock the back door?" Fred asked nervously to Anabel. 

"I think so."

"Ana, dearest," Fred said sharply, "Is it or is it not locked?" 

She opened her mouth to reply when a loud crash came from the kitchen. 

"Help, Please." A weak voice called. 

Anabel put Clara aside and made a shushing noise as Elizabeth came racing down the stairs. 

Her little face was pale and frantic, "What's happened?! Where's Father?!"

Fred had already darted to the back room and the rest cautiously followed. 

Ei stood in a mess of broken glass, cuts were strewn across his arms and face

"Eli?!" Clara asked hesitantly. 

Anabel made a mad rush to the sink, preparing bandages. 

"Why didn't you just knock?" Fred exclaimed, "You scared us half to death!" 

"Elizabeth," Eli said sending a glance to the girl, "Go upstairs."

Elizabeth approached him critically, "I'm just as old as you Eli. I deserve to know just as much."

Eli smiled timidly, he had always liked Elizabeth's straightforward manner. 

Clara looked to Fred with a small sigh of laughter, "You have a daughter?"

"A story for another time," Anabel noted. "Eli whats happened?"

"I couldn't knock on the front door, he might have seen me." 


Eli looked bashfully in shame to Clara, "The same people who are trying to kill her." 

"What's happened?" Fred asked urgently, "Where is your father? Your Mother, and your siblings?" 

"They tried to b-" Eli stammered, Clara watched in horror as he could barely get the words out of his mouth. "They tried to blow up the box room where we were supposed to meet. Wades in trouble Fred, real trouble, we need you desperately." 

Fred was already putting on his coat and graving his practitioner's bag. 

"How bad is he?" 

Eli cringed and remained silent. 

"This is my fault," Clara thought as the silently and quickly slipped out the door, Fred holding tight to her hand Eli staring at her faintly. 

They reached the Opera house after a lengthy commute and Eli remained deathly silent the whole way. 

They rushed through the catacombs, knocking over several frightened ballet girls and a trembling Andre. 

"I paid his salary!" Firmin was shouting angrily, "I swear to God I did." 

Eli had never paddled the boat faster in his life. Was he too late already?

The moment they reached the shore Fred took off running, slamming the door open so hard it swung back and forth on its hinges several times before the other two arrived. 

Christine sat holding Winnie, sobbing heavily. 

"Am I too late?!" Eli asked gravely. 

"There's hope yet," Ilios whimpered, "Fathers in with him now. There's so much blood Eli I-"

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