Chapter 113: The Light

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Luke tapped his foot impatiently, still no word from his father.

One more term and a bit of lying and perhaps he could join the war. Gain some ground and find out where his family had all gone off to.

Ilios barley wrote, Peter was Missing somewhere on the front and Mary was much too stubborn and bitter to write more than two words once a week.

He decided to think of more agreeable subjects. His eye was soon drawn to a young woman in the corner. She had an air of refined and well-brought society and yet her clothes were that of a mediocre status.

Status didn't seem to matter anymore though. Not with the war on.

He approached them and bowed.

"I'm sorry," Luke laughed awkwardly, "Have we met?"

The woman smiled and held her husband's hand, "Oh, we are of no importance to anyone, we keep each other's company and make do. But nothing could compare to the dancing."

"Ma'am if I may be so very bold..." Luke stammered, "Might I ask the young lady who has just left your party...might I ask her name?"

The woman blushed and laughed. "Luke Destler you shock me."

He frowned and looked at her intently, trying to place where he had seen her before. These last three years had done quite a number on his memory.

"It's of no matter," She said with a laugh as she stretched out her hand to the young girl. "This is my daughter, Elizabeth."

"It was my pleasure to meet you." He mumbled, too preoccupied to recognize his friends.

He considered his response more than cordial, that had been the most words he had ever said in years.

He gave a small nod and carried on his way, attempting to arrange an introduction with the prettiest girl in the room.

"We never did catch his name," Fred mumbled.

Anabel laughed heartily, "My dear haven't you the faintest who that young man was?!"

Fred could not think of a single thing. "Well don't tease, say who he was."

"My dear," she said softly"That was no other than Luke Destler himself!"

"No!" Fred laughed, "Not that handsome thing."

Anabel gave a laugh she watched Luke make his way to Elizabeth and introduce himself.

She watched as realization set in and Luke flashed her a smile that told her he now recollected everything.

"Where's he gone?!"

"He's just talking to Elizabeth dearest." Anabel chuckled.

"Oh," Fred said.

Slowly his face changed, "...Oh."


"Checkmate," Wade said rising from his chair and heading back to his room.

"That's not fair!" Erik shouted, "You cheated!"

"He didn't Papa," Winnie smiled softly putting a hand on his shoulder.

Erik stood red-faced in defeat. "Where di he learn to do that?"

"From you," Winnie laughed, "We get everything from you."

"Not your beauty," Erik sighed, "That's all your Mothers."

"I don't believe that,"Winnie said after a moment's hesitation.

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