Chapter 92: Revelations

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The sun had set as it had a million times before, and with a cuppa and a sad smile, all those living in the small house embarked back up the stairs to their own solitary thoughts and troubles.

All except two.

On most nights, Eli and Ilios would lag behind, sharing secrets of the day or reading aloud Edgar Allan Poe by candlelight in their most sinister voices. 

Tonight was diffrent, long after dinner, Wade had made his way from his room to join the pair.

Wade to Ilios' shock, took a seat beside her. "What's it like, out there today?"

"Sunny, spring just around the corner. Birds are tweeting every which way." Ilios stated simply giving an inquiring glance to Eli. 

"I've never felt more like a blind man in my life," Wade sighed, "It's driving me mad. Living off here in the dark like some sort of cockroach. Seeing shapes and faces in a haze."

"You're no bother to us." Ilios laughed. "Eli sometimes forgets your here, cept we can hear you pacing in the night. 

Wade shrugged. 

"It's not that bad down here," Eli said placing a hand on his brothers back, "Not when you know where to look." 

"I've seen everything down here that's to be seen," Wade moaned, "I've gone mad." 

"You don't look at things," Eli whispered to his brother, "You look at the people." 

"What are you two whispering about?" Ilios said a bit bitterly that she was left out. 

"Was that David upstairs?" Eli inquired with a knowing smile, "David Larabee?" 

Ilios blushed beet red, "Yes. How do you know about David?" 

"Please, you think I believe that you could only draw from the rooftops. You were always with David." 

"With him or just staring at him." 

"How long have you known?" She hissed in a whisper. 

"The moment you plopped yourself down beside him on that couch three years ago during Swan Lake." Eli smirked. 

Wade frowned internally, he had known about David Larabee from the very beginning. It wasn't some secret or interesting fresh news. Ilios had met the young man during her time with madam Giry and the two had wreaked havoc on the older cast playing pranks and telling jokes.

"And how?" Eli smirked picking up a book and looking it over, "Has Peter been recent?" 

Ilios busied herself and shrugged, "It's not like he visits anymore. Why should I know?" 

Wade suddenly took an interest. 

Eli was right-Peter hadn't been around for quite some time, had he?

"Nothing in the papers recently," Eli noted. 

Ilios looked away in a confused haze, she had been trying to figure out all this for herself. She didn't need her brothers prying.

"How did David get that nasty black eye," Eli asked slowly, his eyes fixed on his sister. 

"Someone punched him." 

"That's not surprising." 

Wade gave a small scoff of a laugh at his brother and shook his head, baffled. What was Eli getting at?

"Why'd he get punched? Besides the obvious reasons."

Ilios pursed her lips bitterly, "It was from someone defending my honor actually." 

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