Chapter 39: Goodbye

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"Now Gustave," Anabel sighed. "I've come for a reason."

"Yes?" he smiled. They had all sat down to dinner, enraptured in the light and joy of their guest. 

Anabel looked down and smiled faintly, playing with her shawl and the ring on her left hand.

"Jean left me with a rather large inheritance and I wanted-Before I have to-" she gave a sad laugh as she stumbled over her words, "Oh how silly I am. Why is it so hard to talk to old friends?"

Christine smiled kindly, "Go ahead dear, we're listening."

Anabel looked to Erik, bracing herself for the disappointment she knew would soon enter his mind and heart.

Gustave held Autumn's hand and grinned, "Go on then!"

Anabel smiled, blushed and gave a nod. "I'm going to have a baby."

"Oh how wonderful!" Autumn gushed happily, she loved children almost as much as she loved music. 

"A baby?!" Gustave choked, "whos! Not-"

Anabel laughed heartily, "And how Gustave would that be possible?"

"I kissed you on the cheek once, when we were younger...I don't know. It all sounds rather stupid now-"

Christine grasped her husband's arm and gave a sigh, "Dear..."

"I thought you talked to him," Erik shrugged playing with his food which he rarely ate anyways. 

Anabel had been protege, and now a life on the stage would be an impossibility, she would never share her voice with the world. It troubled him bitterly. 

"Erik, why in heavens name would I discuss that with him?"

"But!-"Erik mumbled-

 His wife's eyes convinced him that moving forward was the best course of action. 

"I'll talk to him later." Erik gave in. 

Christine nodded in triumphant victory. How it saddened her to see her innocent bright-eyed son growing up, sitting across the table in his suit looking all too much like his Father all this years ago. 

"Now Gustave I know this is so much to ask. A big choice but should something happen to me-"

"You want him to take the baby." Autumn finished. "There be no better Father. or family"

"Because there was never a more affectionate friend," Anabel finished with a smile. "I know it's sudden and you might want time to discuss it-." 

Gustave who had been silent through the whole part of this conversation suddenly looked up, eyes full of  "Of course I would." 

Erik gave a sigh, this was too much for his nerves. Would Gustave really throw away his life, his career to care for a child that wasn't even his? Was everyone to desert him and his music again? Why was no one else content in the dark as he was?  

Anabel looked close to tears, "Thank you, Gustave, thank you so much." 

She rose and hugged him tightly to her, tears brimming, "I would pay of course, for any trouble, any pain on your part."

"And if Gustave should happen to be unavailable..." Autumn started, "Should you trust me enough on your knowledge of me. I would like to volunteer for any help. I used to be a governess, I know quite a bit about children."

Anabel gave a sigh of relief, "I'll need as much help as I could get. Without Jean I'm lost, with all his faults, he knew so much of children and their little ways."

"You'll be fine," Christine smiled, "A wonderful woman already can only become an even better mother."

She gave a glace to Erik, through tragic, she felt saddened by how much Anabel's situation was like her own. Her husband wore the same troubled look on his face. Christine took his hand under the table and waited for him to meet her eyes. Looking up, and seeing Christines small sad smile as she gently touched his hands, he sighed and rejoined with attention the conversation. 

"Of Course I'm not planning on anything going wrong," Anabel said seriously. Believe me." 

Gustave smiled and nodded. 

After a wonderful night of dinner and music and talk, Anabel announced that she should retire and take her leave. 

"Autumn..." she asked, "If you would consider, for pay, of course, becoming a companion for any way now or after the baby is born I would appreciate it. 

Autumn nodded, "I'm honored. Yes, I think I would like that." 

Anabel handed her contact card and tipped her hat, "I'll be in touch." 


After Anabel had departed Gustave approached Autumn slowly. 

"You'd really leave?" He asked slowly.

"Helping people, children it's what I've always wanted to do Gustave." Autumn stammered.  

He looked at her stupified, "How is it that I know so little about you and yet we never stop talking?"

"I haven't left yet," Autumn smiled. "I'd have a few months. But I wouldn't leave if you-"

"It's your dreams Autumn, I don't want you to miss anything you desire." Gustave said quietly, trying his utmost to appear happy. 

He would support her, even if it killed him. 

"It- I want to Gustave-" 

"Let's make those months count then." Gustave smiled. 

She shook his hand happily "Let's make them count."


Christine looked to Erik with a smile, "He didn't ask her to stay?"

"I didn't ask you too, I knew you loved Raoul. I let you go." Erik mumbled, his heart was heavy with memories that stung and constricted his heart in terrible convulsions.

"I wish loving someone didn't mean letting them free," Christine sighed resting her head on his shoulder. 

"Sometimes it doesn't," Eriks shrugged, kissing her forehead, "Sometimes we get our briefest glimpse at forever when they decide, of their own will to stay."

"Do you think she will?" Christine asked. 

Erik didn't answer, he didn't know. 

Autumn didn't know either. 

Could she leave Gustave behind her, hear his voice and receive his comfort only through letters and brief visits? 

Would it be worth it? Could she find him in the end? 

Only time would tell. 

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