Chapter 58: Visitors

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"Father!" Ilios squealed happily, "Mother!"

Erik peered out the door angrily, "Ilios the children are sleeping stop shouting!"

"Gustaves come to visit!" Ilios whispered, if it could be called a whisper, it was just as loud.

"Has he?" Erik frowned, "He wasn't supposed to come till Saturday."

"What other men would be rowing down the river?" Ilios frowned.

"Go get Eli and tell me if anything wrong," Erik whispered with a nod.

Ilios huffed and turned away, ignoring her Fathers remark and heading out into the sands. She mumbled under her breath and spent a few moments kicking her feet angrily in the sand.

"Go fetch Eli. Ask Eli. I'm just as old and just as smart. What do I need him for?"

She climbed up on top of the small woodpile the kept outside and put a hand to her forehead blocking out the sunlight.

"How I wish to see an ocean," She thought, overlooking the murky waters, "How nice to feel the sun, to swim all alone on forever."

"Hullo there!" A voice called out with a laugh.

Not Gustave.

"Who is it?!" Ilios cried out, "Fred is that you?!"

The man docked the boat and gave a laugh, "Fred? Have I competition?"

"Who are you Monsieur?"She laughed gaily her eyes sparkling with intrigue.

"Come now!" The man laughed putting his arms out to his side and spinning around. "Come to now Ilios! You don't recognize your guardian angel?"

Ilios squinted and the squealed as the man presented her with a box of chocolates.

"Oh, Peter it is you!" Ilios grinned tackling him into a hug, "You've come back for me just as you promised!"

"Come, child," he laughed, "Don't hang on me so, I'm not as young as I used to be."

"Neither am I!" Ilios said proudly standing to her full height.

Peter looked her over and laughed, "Indeed. I suppose your not. How old are you now?"

"Just Nine!" Ilios beamed, "I was 6 last you saw me."

Peter nodded and made a gesture to her height which made Ilios cackle.

"I'm here to see your siblings, and to ask your father a favor," Peter said with a smile.

Ilios took his hand and dragged him onward towards the door.

"Papa!" She called out gleefully, trying her best to remain quiet. "Papa come see who has come!"

Erik and Christine appeared at the doorway.

"Mother," Peter smiled with a small bow. "Father."

Christine laughed in delight, "Oh Peter! So it is you. I thought you'd never come."

He ran up to her kissing each side of her cheek and shaking Erik's hand heartily.

"Peter," Erik smiled, "You've grown up quite a bit."

"Grown richer too," Peter noted. "Rich enough for presents."

He let a small smile escape his lips as in the side of his eyes he saw Ilios uncontainable excitement.

"Wheres the other one?" He joked putting a hand to his knee cap.

Eli peered out from the window, his younger brother in his arms and his eyes fixed on his sister.

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