Chapter 104: December

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Ilios ran down the stairs in a mess of tears, face red and puffy.

She had no intention of stopping until she was safely in her Fathers arms.

"Miss!" A man asked in concern as she ran right into him, "Miss are you all-"

She looked up with wide eyes and took a step backward, "Peter?!"

"Yes," he said earnestly with a smile, "I was just coming to find you."

"Me?" Ilios repeated, "What for?"

"Ilios," A small voice cried entering the grand hall.

"Goodness," Ilios chuckled awkwardly, "Everyones after me this evening."

She gave a glance up the stairway, praying David had enough sense to stay upstairs.

"Please," The small girl's voice repeated, "Please I'm frightened, everyone rushed off."

"Rushed off?" Ilios said with a hint of fear in her voice, "Is that you Mary?"

Mary stepped awkwardly out of the darkness, her face pale and cold.

"Mary," Ilios said anxiously drawing onto her knees and holding the small child by the shoulders. "What has happened."

"Grandmother," Mary choked out.

"Peter take her," Ilios shouted.

She rose to her feet and took off toward the catacombs tears threatening and her feet slapping the pavement.

"Who are you?" Mary asked the man after a moments silence.

"A friend of your sisters."

Peters at was drawn low over his sullen face, and Mary could not make out his identity.

"My Sisters?" Mary laughed, "Good sir you mistake me."

Peter rubbed his eyes but didn't bother to look closer, "Indeed you must pardon me. I haven't had much sleep."

She nodded and gave a small smile that she thought would assure him he had not offended her.

"Where then is Winnie?" He asked after a brief hesitation on the nature of the question. He sincerely prayed no harm had come to her.

"Luke took her when Grandmother fainted." Mary shrugged, "Gustave took Mother, I just forgot to follow behind. I didn't want to go down there again."

"Mary?" Peter laughed removing his hat and looking at her intently, "Is that you?"

"Peter!" Mary shrieked rushing at him and hugging him tightly to her. "Oh, Peter I was so afraid."

"Hush child! I'm here."

"Peter there are secrets in this place. Things Papa won't tell me."

"You needn't fret," Peter told her sternly, "These halls are your friends. How did your Father disregard you so?"

"I don't blame him," Mary shuddered, "His Mother looked so ill."

"There," Peter said putting his scarf around her to act as a shawl.

"Peter," Mary whimpered. "I'm afraid Father doesn't much care for me."

Peter frowned severely, "Mary how can you say that?"

"I know that I'm cross, and homely. I don't mean to be." Mary explained, "I know I'm cold-hearted. Seeing Grandmother there, the blood, it didn't bother me one bit. Father often calls me cruel, and I can't help but feel it's because Mother never showed me how to be otherwise."

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