Chapter 95: Oops

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"Hello Father," Eli said hurriedly rushing through the door, "Goodbye Father. 

"Ei wait!" Erik laughed pulling him back down from the staircase. "Where have you been?! Did you know Ilios ran off last night." 

Eli turned bright red, removing his mask and running his fingers through his hair, "I know NOTHING!" 

Erik lowered his voice and looked at his son with terrified desperation,  "Was she? With- you know? Some guy-" 

Eli raised an eyebrow, "If i tell you the truth you'd kill him." 

"I knew it!" Erik exclaimed waving a finger, "Wheres my lasso-" 

"Lay off her she didn't do anything. They just talked, I know him, he's a good kid." 

"I don't know that!" Erik gaped, "How am I supposed to know when nobody tells me anything anymore!"

"Your pretty upset aren't you father?" Eli said with a gulp. 

"About as upset as I've ever been at your sister in her life yes." 

"Good," Eli yelped his voice high and scared, "I kissed a girl."

Before his Fathers jaw could fully drop Eli had maneuvered out of his grasp and bolted upstairs. 

He stumbled weakly to a chair and rubbed his head. 

"What?!" He stammered. "No, no no. This can't be happening." 

"Erik?" Christine said drowsily as she emerged from the bedroom, "Erik what's wrong?! Is it Iios?! Is she home?"

"Yes, she's fine," Erik stammered, "I'm not- well I don't think I'm mad at her at all right now." 

"What's wrong then?" Christine asked slowly, looking around the peaceful household. "Is Wade ill again? Winnie?" 

"No, they're playing outside." Erik stuttered. His eyes turned up pleadingly to Christine's in confusion, "Eli kissed a girl." 

"Ei?" Christine scoffed, "Erik I don't think so." 

"He did!" Erik frowned, "At least I think he did. He said it so fast that-" 

"Maybe you misheard him," Christine suggested. 

Erik shook his head, "No, no. I heard him properly, he said it quite loud enough for me to hear." 

"Should I go see Ilios?" Christine asked biting her lip and looking up the stairs in worry, not the least convinced that her baby boy would kiss before her wild Ilios. 

"No," Erik muttered, "I told her you fell dead asleep in exhaustion of worry." 

Christine gave a small scoff, "If I remember correctly Erik, I believe you passed out and I stayed awake all night. "

Erik shrugged and gave a little laugh, "Is that so? I barely remember. Either way let her rot in her own guilt for a while." 

"Your a cruel man," Christine laughed with a smirk, "When you're angry." 

"I'm not angry," He snapped. As she raised her eyebrows and gave a sigh and smiled, "I'm irritated beyond the point of rational thought." 

"There we go," Christine laughed as she leaned in to kiss him. 

Eli rushed down the stairs, his face growing redder by the minute. 

"Eli!" Christine exclaimed, she looked over his reddening features, "Are you, allright dear? Are you running a fever?"

"Is he alive?' Eli asked warily putting up a hand, "Is Father alright?"  

Christine looked at her husband who was staring holes in the carpet, unchanged in a blank vacant expression. 

"He seems-" Christine stopped and looked at her son in shock, "Eli-What your Father told me..."

Eli let out a groan and ran his fingers through his hair, "I don't know how it happened! She grabbed my tie and-"

"She grabbed your tie?!" Christine shouted, "Who grabbed your tie?!"

"She did!" Eli yelled throwing his hands in the air. "And I don't know I suppose then I kissed her-" 

"You kissed her back?!" Erik exclaimed jumping from the couch, "You let her kiss you or you kissed her back?"

"Is there a difference?" Eli laughed nervously. 

"Yes!" Christine and Erik cried at the same time. 

"I couldn't help it alright!" Eli exclaimed, "She was pretty and she started it-" 

"My God Eli!" Erik exclaimed, "It's not like a children's fight no one started it first it was clearly mutual." 

"No!" Eli scoffed, "I didn't want to!"


"I didn't want to until we started and then-" 

"Oh my god!" Ilios laughed from the staircase, appearing as Eli looked away in torment, "Did Eli kiss someone?!" 

"Shut up." Eli hissed at her. 

"Oh ho ho." Ilios snorted, "Looks like i'm not the one in trouble now. Eli the saint got kissed before me?"  

"I will deal with you later," Erik stated firmly pointing to his daughter. 

Ilios quickly closed her mouth. 

"What has gotten into the pair of you?" Christine asked with a baffled look. 

Eli and Ilios gave each other a glance. 

"Just-" Erik gave a moan, "Just promise this won't happen without fore notice again." 

"Well-" Eli mumbled, "I didn't have much notice myself I was just-"

Erik literally growled and Eli moved swiftly back to safety. 

"To your rooms," Christine sighed with a chuckle at their petrified faces. 

The two made their way upstairs slowly in silence. 

When they reached their rooms Ilios stopped as her fingers graced the door nob, "Eli?" She asked timidly. 


"Was she pretty?" 

Eli blushed and nodded, "Yeah Ilios. She was pretty." 


"Yeah?" He chuckled. 

"I never thanked you for watching out for me last night." 

He shrugged and looked at her hopefully, "Did you figure something out." 

Ilios bit her lip, "Yeah. I think I did. Thanks." 

The siblings gave a small nod of similliar distress to eachother and went in to their rooms.

Ilios was elated! Eli kissed a girl! She had always thought he'd be alone forever. Always imagined her first kiss being with-

No sooner had Ilios sat down and removed her coat when she was struck with an overwhemling sick feeling.

"Oh my god." She whispered horror striken.

She raced next door and banged on it hard calling for her brother.

"Eli," she said shakily, her face pale and eyes terrfied, "Eli I've realized something awful."

Eli looked at her with concern. "Are you allright?"

"I was!" She stammered weakly sinking to the floor in tears. "Eli-"

"Ilios?!" He exclaimed, his young face full of agony at seeing his sister distressed. "Ilios answer me?!"

"Eli," she sobbed covering her mouth and looking up at her brother stupified, "Eli I think- I think I love him."

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