Chapter 33: Liar

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Ilios played quietly with her small little drum and Eli sat silently staring at a picture book.

Two years to the day had passed from their birth when Autumn arrived. Two longs years that girl named Autumn had changed so much along with the Destler family. 

It was a new begging for all. 

Christine still worried and fretted over her darling little silent boy. She felt she owed this to Erik, to Gustave, to raise him as they would have wished to had been raised. Gentle souls needed time, patience, love and kindness. 

"Eli," she said gently, "Come to your mother Eli."

The small boy found his way to his mother and she lifted him on her lap. 

"Oh Eli," She sighed fixing her dress and placing a hand on his little heart, "You have many worlds up there don't you? In that brilliant little mind of yours. If only you would let mother see them."

He looked up at her dreamily, gave a small smile and squirmed to be let down. 

"Daddy tall." Came Ilios shriek as Erik carried her in. 

"Ah my revolutionary." Christine laughed, "She'll be a great actor one day. So dramatic."

"Hm," Erik smiled, "Just like her mother."

Christine gave Erik a look and then took ahold of her daughter. 

"What a pretty dress Ilios!" Christine exclaimed, "What pretty curls."

"Beautiful," Ilios grinned looking to her father. 

Eli pulled gently on his father's pant leg, distracting him from his sweet daughter for a moment.

 "Yes, Eli?" His deep voice boomed in laughter. 

"Gustave," Eli said as soft as humanly possible.

Erik listened the first time and smiled at his sons questioning. "Gustave is hurting right now. He'll sort it all out soon I'm sure."

Elis face remained without any sign of comprehension.  

Erik thought he heard a smaller whisper once more. 

"Hope." He thought Eli had said. "Hope."

Erik smiled to himself. Indeed, Gustave would need all the hope he could get. 


Autumn gazed out her window and into the streets below her. Life was such a mess, such a complicated mess.

She wasn't sure what to do with herself, her heart felt empty and her thoughts pointless. She barely ate and barely spoke.

The most terrible part of it all was that her betrothed was still dear in her heart. She treasured him, she cared deeply for him, and yet he had done nothing in her eyes to deserve such loyalty on her part. 

Autumn had lied for what seemed the first time in her life. She could hear her own heart racing under her skin. A thousand little voices within her seemed to tease and poke a prod telling her how she had told a lie, an unforgivable lie.

 He wasn't her cousin, and she wasn't helping him practice. 

 His name was  Fredrick De Changy and he was to be her husband. 

He was rich and handsome, and she was to marry  him.

How strange it all sounded!

With her head held high, she walked past the prying eyes and onto the stage.  She had made up her mind, she loved Gustave but now it was time for for the hard part.

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