Chapter 78: Relatives

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"Fred!" Clara called banging on the door, "Fred open the door!"

The noise of unlocking brought relief so strong in Clara's heart that she consider falling to her knees right then and there.

"Ilios?!" the drowsy looming figure at the door asked slowly. "Is that you?!"

Clara shook her head frantically and pushed herself through the door, forcing it closed behind her and locking it.

"I'm not Ilios." She stated firmly, "I'm Clara. I need your help." 

"Clara who?" Fred baffled. 

"Chloe Claraice Dechangy."

Fred stepped backward, "You died." 

"I clearly didn't."

"But-" Fred gaped, "You did!"

"I was in a school in London. I know everything." 

She pushed her way past him and peered out the windows shutting then after her. 

"Last I saw you-you were newly born, barely a speck of a human in Aunt Chloes arms," Fred exclaimed, "You shouldn't be here! Why are you here?"

"I didn't have a choice," Clara mumbled, shutting all the blinds in the next room as well and once again checking the streets through the windows.

"Fred what's going on?" A tender voice said from the stairwell.

"My-my-Cousin? is here," Fred said slowly, his voice filled of wonder and maravelment. "My cousin of all people!"

"Listen I know...things between us aren't great, but I need to stay here awhile, there's some people after me and..." She collapsed in his chair from the exhaustion of the night.

"Clara," Fred said sternly "tell me who's after you."

She thought that over.

"My Father," Clara said with a sigh. "Plus one Opera Ghost."

Fred let out a loud and hearty laugh.

Clara's face turned to stone and stared blankly at her cousin, exhausted by her plight.

Fred put a hand down on the table, "You're...not...joking?"

Clara threw her hands up, helplessly shrugging off his cousin's disbelief.

"Claraice im near positive that this man whoever he is that follows you is not your Father!"  Fred said with the highest level of concern, "No matter what you've done, where you've been you owe it to the honor of the family to set this matter straight. I'm sure we can sort it all out with my Father."

"You trust your Father?" Anabel said suddenly emerging from the stairs. 

She had grown older in the past few years, her eyes losing a bit of light but maintaining their fierce countenance. 

"Anabel," Fred said shaking his head, "Let's not speak of those times it is different now."

"Think of what he did with that poor child-" Anabel started, Fred sent her a glance. 

"I know about Winnie," Clara said firmly. "And Eli does too." 

Fred took the small girl by the shoulders, "You told him?! How did you find him?! It can't be true! All is ruined." 

"I know she's my sister!" Clara shouted, "I know your Father hid her away down there so she'd be out of the way of inheritance for good!"

"Your sister?" Fred scoffed. 

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