Chapter 22

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Jack's POV


I playfully smack Ianto's arse as he climbs up the ladder. Quick as a cobra, he turns and frowns at me, although I can see a masked glimmer of amusement in his eyes.

"Please don't, sir." he says curtly, tone clipped. The Torchwood day hasn't even started yet and Ianto's already beginning to click back into work mode. I can almost hear his mind shift gear, changing from thoughts of our engagement and blanket-forts to coffee and aliens.

My poor overworked Ianto, I can tell he's exhausted by the stoop of his shoulders; he only got 4 hours' sleep last night, so he'll sleep like a log tonight. Just as well - it means I can wrap his Christmas present without needing to be superhumanly quiet.Somehow, my mind wanders to our wedding. 11 months! Far too long, in my opinion. But then again, I always have been impatient.I keep meaning to ask him about it, but always get nervous and bottle out at the last second. Are we both wearing suits? Am I wearing a dress? After all, I've worn dresses before and killed it... Is he wearing a dress? Mmm, especially if I could tear it off him afterwards. I beat the thought to death before the daydreaming really starts, but the damage is already done and I won't be able to focus all morning.
Well, at least we've decided that the colours are emerald and silver.
It's my closest-guarded secret that I've never got married before. I usually love a person for a while and then leave them. Like John. I think he thought we would get married some day. But Ianto and I just connect in a way that I never did with John. We're just so right for each-other.
I return to reality with a muffled gasp, a swimmer breaking the surface of the pool of my thoughts.
I climb up the ladder after Ianto and survey my domain. Tosh has already arrived, punctual and pretty as always.
"Tosh, you got a minute?" I call her, beckoning the Asian woman into my office. I take the silver envelope out of my second desk drawer and slide it into her slender hand.
"Open this in private, please." I'm suddenly very aware of how loud my voice is, and glance sideways to ensure that no unwanted guests overheard. An involuntary smile lights up my face as I think about the Big Day again.
Toshiko nods quickly, and I think she has guessed that she is holding a wedding invitation, with spaces for her and a plus-one. The only condition is that she can't bring Owen or any aliens.
"I'll open it when I get home." she assures me with a nod, before silently gliding from the room on impossibly light feet. I watch her with half an eye as she puts the envelope into her handbag and settles into her chair, ready to check for rift activity.

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