Chapter 5

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Jack's POV 

Ianto is quivering under my hands. He doesn’t realize he’s doing it, bless him. But nevertheless, it would be easier to shave in an earthquake.  

I try and shave his face a little faster, scared that I will cut him otherwise. And with this kind of razor, a slip of the hand can easily be lethal.

I feel like time’s moving in slow motion, but finally I finish. I wipe the extra foam off his face with a towel and put the razor on the edge of the sink, out of harm’s way.

I pull him into a hug and kiss the top of his head in the way I know he likes it. I turn my head so my cheek is flat on his hair, which tickles my face and makes me smile.

Ianto is shirtless with pyjama bottoms on. They’re a pretty shade of charcoal, yet it’s the silver pinstripes that catch my eye - not unlike those of his suits. 

"Do you ever wear casual clothes?" I ask him, a smile cracking my face in half.

Ianto smiles back and his blue eyes sparkle, making my heart skip a beat. He then winks before starting to speak, his beautiful Welsh voice filling the air.

"You said you like my suits, so I wear suits." He pecks me on the nose and I lean forward ever so slightly, hoping to catch a proper kiss. No such luck. I open my mouth, about to speak, but then he continues.

"It's become a habit really. When I was looking after her here, Lisa..." Ianto stops, his voice cracking like he's about to burst into tears. His face looks so sad, like he’s reliving the trauma of Lisa’s death. "Lisa would moan at me for wearing them all the time." he tries to smile at me, despite the tears welling up in his eyes. I hug him close to me again. He sniffs once and then steps back, his cool exterior having returned. 

"Do you ever wear anything other than World War Two RAF uniform?" he shoots back at me, tipping his head slightly in unconscious puzzlement. 

I gaze into his azure eyes, my heart skipping every other beat. Oh, how I could lose myself in those eyes.

"You said you like my coat." I say, teasing him "And I couldn't go round wearing nothing but a coat, despite how much you might want me to." 

I've hit the nail on the head. Ianto goes scarlet and looks at the floor, tracing the grain of the carpet with his eyes. I laugh quietly and he joins me, trying to hide how embarrassed he is. I can see that he’s trying to work out how I guessed what his weakness (if you can call it that – after all, I am the only near-perfect human.) is. But if he knew I’d read his diary, then that would explain everything in a matter of moments.

I wink at him, lowering my voice into a seductive growl "I know exactly what I wish you were wearing." I pause for suspense "Either nothing or that beautiful blue suit you wore yesterday."

His face flickers for a second, and I get a glimpse of raw desire in his eyes.

“Kiss me, Ianto.” I whisper, my voice giving him goose-bumps.

I'm not sure who closes the gap between us, but his lips are on mine in less than a heartbeat. I close my eyes and see fireworks. All I can hear is the thrumming of my heart and his soft breathing.  

Ianto lifts my hand and puts it over his heart. It's beating fast. He looks into my eyes and no words are needed, I just know what he’s about to say.

"I love you, Jack." he says quietly. Our lips meet again, but he pulls away from me after a few short seconds. 

Just the sound of his voice makes my heart beat faster, the lust grow stronger. It was never like this with anyone else, not even John.

All I want to do is wrap my arms around him, look after him and keep him safe for the rest of time. And yet I know that I will have to watch him die at some point. That is the unbreakable curse of living forever. But I would give up my immortality in the blink of an eye if it meant that we could spend the rest of our lives together.

I’m just a blip in time for you…

"I love you too." I whisper, my heart pounding after the vividness of the memory. I lean forward, slowly and sweetly kissing his soft lips. Our lips barely brush, and yet shivers still tingle down both our spines. 

Someone knocks on the manhole cover upstairs, spoiling the moment. I hear Ianto cursing under his breath and my smile evaporates, being replaced with a snarl.

"One second!" I call out to whoever is above the door. Whoever it is, they had better have a good excuse…

I help Ianto back into his shirt as quickly as possible and leave him to fix his hair before climbing the ladder and flinging the door open with a sharp push on the handle.

I see feet and hear swearing in Welsh as Gwen flinches at the sudden rush of displaced air that blows her trouser legs back. I can see that she is trying to keep from smirking and lose my temper.  

"This had better be good!" I bark at her, annoyed that she ruined my special moment with Ianto. Said moments aren’t rare, yet there is definitely a finite supply of them. She continues smirking, before awkwardly mumbling about it not being ‘important' enough to be worth bothering me. This is code for the fact that Owen sent her up here to annoy and spy on us. I hate it when the Torchwood staff get here early… The day shift officially starts in just under an hour.

Gwen turns tail and scoots back to her desk, bursting into mad laughter as soon as she thinks I am out of earshot. 

I glare at Gwen and Owen through the door of my office, starting to despise them. Not only are they constantly sticking their noses in, but Owen is bullying Ianto. He should remember that he's dead. If Ianto's patience snaps, whatever he does to Owen won't heal. 

Toshiko looks directly at me, making eye contact. "Sorry" she mouths at me. She understands how we feel - Owen ridiculed her when she fell in love with Mary. And that must have really stung, as everyone apart from Owen can see how much Tosh loves him. Well, good luck to her. I can’t see why anyone would love an imbecile like him.

I spin around and stalk back down the ladder, slamming the door behind me.

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